Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our Weekend!

Sneak Peak at my new shelf!

Here is a start on my strips for Bonnie Hunter's "Smith Mountain Morning" long way to go!

We spent Friday and Saturday up in New River with my mom, dad and sister. The spare room we stayed in had my mom's wedding quilt on the bed!

My mom and step dad were married in about 1977 and at the time my mom worked for the DA's office in Eau Claire. His mother made this quilt and it is still in good condition though it was used for many years! I have asked to inherit this as it is the only quilt my mom has other than those I have given her.

This is the egg brunch we had Saturday morning! My nephew Christopher got officially engaged to Christian and we all got together to celebrate and congratulate them.

And back to the mom decided to suprise us with 500.00 bucks mad money so I thought long and hard about what I wanted to get! I have been wanting a glass cabinet to display my quilt and store the gift quilts while they wait for a new home. I saw another blogger had found a nice linen chest at IKEA and while I wound up going with this instead that is what started me thinking!

I also got the awesome coffee pot I have wanted for forever..gonna have to take a photo of that too.

So we spent today at IKEA (with most of the rest of Phoenix from what I could tell) and then came home and DJ spent forever putting our cabinet together while I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. It needed it. Did several loads of laundry and dusted walls, pictures, fans, furniture, etc. I tell you this just to say that there was NO sewing in my day! I work at 6 AM tomorrow, but when I am done I am going to June's to sew. I need to go figure out what to pack to sew!

1 comment:

Candace said...

Looks like a productive fun weekend and the cabinet looks great. Can't wait to see it full of your pretty quilts.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...