I have really enjoyed Sherri and Sinta's "A Year of Schnibbles" as most of you have already surmised! I did each quilt (and pincushion) during the month and Roslyn Atwood did the quilting on them. While there are two or so I would NEVER make again (I know, never say never) I learned alot and felt pretty accomplished doing it. I would not have been able to make huge quilts from some of these...but a challenge on a smaller scale was nice. Thank you Sherri, Sinta, and all of the shops who donated prizes. I personally won from Bear Paw Quilts and from Carrie of Miss Rosie's Quilt Company (I think twice from each) but I know there were other sponsors as well--Fat Quarter Shop, Quilter's Paradise, Cottage Quilts and Quilt Taffy. It really made it that much more fun to have a chance at a prize each month. Thanks!
So one last time, here is my yearly parade of Schnibbles.



Sunday Best
Tagalong (apparently I didn't take a picture after I bound it!) This one was gifted to my co-worker Hannah for her housewarming.
Short Story (Kathy's sister Kelly has this one)
February was I.S.T.H and I made it into a tablerunner. I really love how it came out, but I sent it off to New York to be with Bree (Kathy's neice).
March was Bibelot. This is for my co-worker Sarah for her housewarming gift. It is made in Collections for a Cause by Moda "Faith."
April was "Summer Day" here is the front and the next picture is the back. This one has no home yet.
May was Doc Schnibbles. This one went to Norway for Rachel Clark's first baby...a boy--Leon.
June's was "Leap Year" which I made in a Christmas Carol by Mary Englbreit. JoAnne quilted it for me and I have an overexposed picture here. It has no home yet.
July 2012's was free choice so I decided to finally get around to this Lincoln Schnibbles which I bought two years ago as a kit. I love it even more in person and am not sure I want to gift it!
This is August's Dimestore Schnibbles.
This is Speck (a Little Bites pattern) made from "Frolic" fabric. I think this one was Septembers' I love this one, but it isn't quilted yet. Hmm I should dig this out and take it on the road to Wisconsin to quilt by hand in the car!
Time for the 2012 Parade of Schnibbles! First up is Full House in "A Breath of Avignon" fabric.
Full House |
March was Bibelot. This is for my co-worker Sarah for her housewarming gift. It is made in Collections for a Cause by Moda "Faith."
April was "Summer Day" here is the front and the next picture is the back. This one has no home yet.
May was Doc Schnibbles. This one went to Norway for Rachel Clark's first baby...a boy--Leon.
June's was "Leap Year" which I made in a Christmas Carol by Mary Englbreit. JoAnne quilted it for me and I have an overexposed picture here. It has no home yet.
This is Speck (a Little Bites pattern) made from "Frolic" fabric. I think this one was Septembers' I love this one, but it isn't quilted yet. Hmm I should dig this out and take it on the road to Wisconsin to quilt by hand in the car!
I was off to a great start doing nine of the twelve Schnibbles, but I really like the size of the Schnibbles and a few of the months were either full size quilts or specks at the end. I signed up for Schnibbles, so I did all of those that were offered up! I love the Little Bites, but they aren't as versatile for gift giving for me. All in all, I enjoyed Another Year of Schnibbles! Thanks Sinta and Sherri for organizing it and keeping us motivated and thanks most of all to Carrie and Miss Rosie for writing the fabulous patterns this year! I didn't win any prizes this year either, but I LOVE seeing each parade and have learned alot about what works and what doesn't (for me anyway) by looking at what others do too!