You can see that Bonnie encourages everything but the kitchen sink in her quilts and at first I didn't really feel too comfortable not picking one focus and several fabrics to go with it. I started out all matchy matchy or using one line of fabric to make my quilts. Now I love the look of these scrappy quilts and I know I wouldn't have learned how to do this without Bonnie's scrapsaver system and quilty encouragement! I joined the yahoo group for all things Bonnie and they were in the middle of Carolina Crossroads, the first mystery quilt. I loved it but decided to wait until the next mystery to start, I regretted that for a long while til I finally just made Carolina Crossroads on my own! So...
This is Orange Crush...the Spring of 2008 mystery and thus the Quiltville Bug Begins!
I actually made two of these quilts with Kathy's help and each of her nieces got one. I really, really, really want to make another one to keep. I do have two of the leftover blocks which I made into a heating pad cover so I have a bit of Orange Crush!
In 2015 I made my very own Orange Crush--finally! Here it is!
Here is Double Delight--the January 2009 mystery, so beautiful I don't want to use it--but I did keep it! This one lives on my bed for now. This was the quilt that made me fall in love with double pinks and cheddars!
Christmas Lights (in Quiltmaker magazine) the easiest Bonnie mystery yet. I love this one too! I didn't part with this one either. I needed a Christmas quilt! It was Bonnie's mystery in Quiltmaker magazine (January 2009 for part one). If you are new to Bonnie or mystery quilts this is a good one to start with because it isn't so GIGANTIC! It was in three parts and really turns out uniquely! Mine is already showing wear and tear so I am planning to make another one one day.
This is Carolina Christmas--also from 2009, though not done in Christmas colors Ros quilted it with the Carolina state flower!
This quilt I sent off to my daughter Hannah in Wisconsin. Her favorite color is purple so I made it with her in mind. She loves it!
Finally I got around to making Carolina Crossroads! This was the first one from 2007, but I didn't make it until June of 2010. It was a ton of work..I finally parted with it Christmas of 2012. I gave it to my brother--next he needs a Packer colored quilt.
And this one is Roll, Roll Cotton Boll! (and it was my first try at String Blocks--see how Bonnie challenges me?) and is another really beautiful quilt. Not sure who is getting this one yet...Bonnie quilts are hard for me to give away. This mystery was from 2010.
Another Bonnie mystery was Orca Bay in 2011, and I completed and gifted to Randy Clark. You can see why I renamed it Green Bay! This was sort of an accidental Packer quilt--I was using the stash I had on hand (and at the time it was small) and when this shaped up I realized I had a Packer quilt! Ros even quilted GO PACK GO and GREEN BAY PACKERS) on it to make it even more special!
Then just after that I finished up Smith Mountain Morning and sent off to Monica and Bob Bauer in Wisconsin. Monica is my oldest and dearest friend and I have wanted to make a special quilt for her for a long time, SO happy this one is done, it is perfect for her and she loves it!
And my Cheddary Bow Tie Leader/Ender Challenge from July of 2011! This one is not quilted yet, but will be one for me to keep. There are so many fabrics in it with so many memories. This will be one of my nearest and dearest quilts for a long time. This quilt is the one that taught me about the quarter inch seam. I used two different machines to sew this and when I went to attach the second group of rows I discovered that my quarter inch wasn't a quarter of an inch. Oy! So this one just hangs in the closet waiting for me to figure out what to do with it!
Easy Street was the 2012 online mystery and I finished it and sent it off to my God-daughter Kelsey for her high school graduation. She loves it. This one was hard to part with too!
In 2013 I also finished working on Bonnie's Lazy Sunday Mystery what was in Quiltmaker (starting in March/April 2013). This one is living in the cabinet on the stairs waiting for a home.
I also just finished working on Jack in the Box--I have done two blocks a month for this past two years in various colors for the Rainbow BOM that Angela at SoScrappy has been posting. Finally got the top done in December 2013! And it was quilted in February 2014 for Colton! Bonnie asked me if she could use this quilt for her next book--quite an honor since so far all the quilts have been her own. Don't know if it will happen yet but such an honor to be asked! (Looks like she didn't need it after all, but still made my year!)
I made this Pineapple Blossom as an in between project that I mostly did when at someone else's house after I finished whatever I had brought with me to sew. It worked out great and got done using up my strip scrap system that I copied from Bonnie! This one was gifted to DJ.
Bricks and Stepping Stones--I made several of these in doggie size quilts and gifted them to family members. Seems I only have one picture on my blog but I made quite a few like this before I realized they looked better with some plan in the four patches. This is a bit too kitchen sink for me, but the dogs loved them anyways! They work great under the water bowl!
The next leader/ender challenge Bonnie challenged us to was her Spooling Around pattern. I finally got it into this top the end of October 2013.This one got the honor of being on the flickr page for the Aurifil Thread Page. That was pretty cool! I quilted it myself and Hazel uses it often (she plays with her dried beans on it) but apparently I need to update my photo!
I also have Tobacco Road done--it was the August 2008 Mystery. I did this one years later when I realized that if I completed it I would have all the mysteries made! I wasn't nuts for this one until I did my own and saw it in person! I gave it to my favorite sister Tina who loves it as much as I did.
Scrappy Bargello--I made this several years ago in between mysteries with the folks on the yahoo list. I made it into a duvet cover. It was great for those extra cold Wisconsin nights when I lived in Wisconsin!
When the folks out there suddenly went nuts over scrappy trips I had to do a few blocks to start the next one too and I finished up the top in June of 2014. I gifted this to my boss and co-worker when they got married in November 2015.
Strip Twist--I made this one to practice quilting but never got to that part. I still have it as a UFO (and I don't have many UFO's) perhaps it is time to take it out and try using my new book about machine quilting just to get in some practice.
My very favorite Bonnie pattern of all time (in 2013) right now is Talkin' Turkey! I decided to do this as a block of the month with SoScrappy in 2013 as well. This one is still waiting for binding. For July 2015-July 2016 my Nimble Thimbles guild chose this PUP (Poor Unfinished Project) for me to complete. I got on this at quilt camp of Fall 2015. I got the last few blocks made after Thanksgiving. I found out this year's PUP meeting was 4th of July week and I was in Rocky Point so while Ros had it quilted and I could have had it bound in time I wasn't going to be at the meeting so this one is still with Ros in November!
My other favorite Bonnie pattern is Wild and Goosey! I just learned how to paper piece in 2010 ish and am becoming addicted! For a long time I did the weekly HONK HONK Wild and Goosey Check-In on Facebook's Quiltville Open Studio page--this helps me get one block a week done until it is big enough! I put this one away for a long bit...took it out summer of 2021 and added another row. Still not big enough!
July of 2013 I couldn't resist Bonnie's call for a Leaders and Enders Split Nine Patch so I prepped for that and did the first block! I didn't wind up doing too many of them and they haven't seen progress in a long time!
In November 2013 I decided to finally get going on my Floribunda quilt. I participated in a floral strip exchange to get all the flowers for this quilt. It just got quilted in January 2015 and sent it to Margie in Spooner, Wisconsin. She was over the moon with it!
Here is the 2013 Mystery--Celtic Solstice (Packer Solstice!) done in green and gold. I kept this one for my Packer guest room and when folks come to visit this is what they sleep under. Mine looks a bit different from Bonnie's because I used green as a color and lime green as a color...that changed it up a bit but I LOVE it!
This is "Ring Around the Hexies"! I am loving this little quilt! This is from Collaboration Celebration with Mickey Dupree. I have this one hanging over our bed. It makes me smile every time I come in the room.
I have also made all of Bonnie's mini's from the three month mini marathon! The first one I finished was Auntie's Anvil. This was really a fun one!
I then completed Nines Surrounded (still needs quilting). I used up the leftover nine patches from Carolina Crossroads and Puddle Jumping in here. Nines Surrounded got quilted by me in 2019.
At Bonnie's "Playing with Jacks" Tucson workshop in Feb. 2014 I started this quilt in modern prints just to be different. Decided this layout was the best with the barn raising, alternating black and grey.
The other Tucson workshop was "My Blue Heaven" which as you can see I am doing in purples. This is for my daughter Hannah--Christmas 2014.
This is Scrappy Mountain Majesties for my youngest son, Mackenzie now called Jay. Quilted in time for Christmas 2014.
And of course on a whim I started Moth in the Window with Bonnie on QuiltCam one day. I was just in one of those whoa is me moods where nothing looked appealing, I turned Bonnie on and decided to just do what she was doing. It has been fun and got me sewing again! Finally got the blocks into a top in November 2013 and am still adding to it in January 2015. This one is for my oldest son Coleman. It is extra special because it has my Dad's shirts in it and it was featured on the Quiltmaker facebook page! Bonnie also asked me to send this one for the taping of online workshops for Quiltmaker magazine, however I had already sent it off to Coleman in Wisconsin so it isn't going to happen--but made my day!
My lozenges leader and ender quilt from 2014 is done and quilted! Love this one so much I may have to keep it! Here I am showing it off to Bonnie in San Manuel in January 2015.
Here is a close up on the 2014 Mystery quilt--Grand Illusion. It is one busy, dynamic quilt! I changed up the colors a bit but it works! I got the last border on it in time to show Bonnie when she came to my guild to teach in January 2015.
All quilted and bound by November 2015!
Here is my Happy Scrappy Houses in progress from the January 2015 workshop. Kathy also made blocks for this one--we plan to keep it for our very own Halloween quilt.
Quiltville leader/ender challenge for July 2015-July 2016: TUMBLERS! Great minds think alike I have been cutting out all red and white tumbers for a "little crumbler" quilt and now I may also be doing tumblers in all colors! Go to Bonnie's Blog and check it out! I gave this one to my mother in 2020.
Betty's Choice blocks and an alternate block. Amy and I traded blocks after a year of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge in 2015!
Becky and I went on the Quiltville Cruise to the Caribbean in October 2015. Here we are with Bonnie and her Garden Party quilt.
Here is most of what I got done on Garden Party on the cruise. These blocks truly are fun to make but they sat for a year before the top was completed into a flimsy in November 2016. Ros quilted it for me!Allietare is competed! Really enjoyed the 2015 mystery! Learned alot with the scalloped borders!
Here is En Provence from 2016
In January of 2017 I took a Bonnie class with Midnight Flight. Gonna make that as a small version, a baby quilt in baby colors. Barb quilted this for me and I love it. Will keep it for future grandbabies!
Barb gifted me a ton of leftover parts from her Midnight Flight. They were in colors that I could use to make a Christmas version. I was not at fatigued and did not struggle so much with the pattern. I love how this pattern looks but it takes some patience! This one was gifted to my sister Christmas of 2020.
I made Straits of Mackinac blocks each month in 2017 for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Here t is all together with Lombardi. He is gone now but was such a good dog!
On Ringo Lake from 2017. Quilted by Ros. I call it On Green Bay!
The second On Ringo Lake is Kathy's but I did all the cutting, borders, and putting blocks together. Not only did we want her to get this one done before the next one started, it is a wedding quilt for my brother and his fiancé on their wedding so I wanted to work on it too. Ros is currently quilting it.
Love Shack! I kept this one and it makes me smile daily!
Good Fortune was started in 2018 and finished in time for my daughter Hannah and hubby Jeremy's wedding!
Here is Limbania's Good Fortune. She passed away without finishing this mystery so I got my hands on it and finished it. I gifted it back to her husband for their daughter. I told him he could save it for her marriage (she is a teen) as I felt like that would be a great gift from her mother when the time comes. Limbania dyed much of the fabric in this (I am using the scraps!) and she sewed quite a few of the steps partially so...
Idaho Square Dance from a workshop at 35th Ave. in AZ. Started January 2020 and finished before we moved to WI.
I also have the Shoo Fly Leader Ender in progress. Anyone working on this many Bonnie quilts at a time out there? I really am her number one fan--the back of my Quiltville shirt (and coffee mug) says so! Thanks Bonnie for all you do for all of us quilters!
Here is Unity. This was Bonnie's extra mystery which was a medallion style quilt made at the start of lockdown.

I love Garden Party (might be my favorite pattern!) and one day when I needed some cheering up I made a table runner. I have it displayed like this in my sewing room so I can smile every time I see it!
I made Grassy Creek in 2020/2021. I changed up the colors as I mostly do nowadays. It is not quilted yet and was hard to get a picture of the day I tried.

Rhododendron Trail from 2021/2022
Chilhowie in Packer colors from 2022.
Grassy Creek in Packer colors 2022/2023
Ruby Jubilee from Quiltmaker 2022.
Chilhowie in Packer colors from 2022.
Here are the fabrics for Indigo Way in 2023!
I have made all the mysteries (online and from Quiltmaker!) and while I am sure others out there have too, I have yet to meet one! I also made all three of the minis and lots of others. I just cannot stop starting one more Quiltville quilt!
Linking up to Let's Bee Social here!