Friday, July 15, 2011

Completed Carolina Crossroads Pictures SMM in Progress

I worked bright and early this morning so my weekend has the sewing has been in full swing. I realized the other day that the brown and blue hst's I made for Smith Mountain Morning were the wrong size...I looked at the picture and read the info next to it instead of the clearly labled corresponding letter's info! So I now have a pile of extras since the ones in this quilt that are that size are with muslin and not blue/brown together. (I am trying to look at this as if I am ahead on something and I don't even know it, lol) So alas, I had to make over the hst's in the correct size.
I finally took the time to figure out how to print triangulations to the sizes I want for hst's and qst's. Here is the result of my first real try at these. (Thanks to Becky for gifting them to me!)

This is one page which in the 2 inch size yields 24 hst's. In just a few minutes I had followed the little pattern and was ready to cut. The brown shows you what the back looks like if you have never used Triangulations.

Sort of like a pretzel! I decided I like these better than Thangles because I don't have to start and stop using my auto thread cutter for each little seam across the strip. This means I don't have to keep rethreading my machine (for some reason it unthreads when I am doing the cut repeatedly with only 2 inches in between).

Then I just cut them all on the solid even has you cut off those pesky corners. I sewed all the 2 inch hst's in brown and blue already though only one sheet has been cut so far. The only downside I have noticed so far is that you don't use strips (which is a negative because I am storing so much of my fabric in strips now and it is easy to grab the right size and sew Thangles with them!). Which do you prefer and why? I haven't tried the quarter square triangles ones yet--I printed them out and I realize that they will have the same blue and the same brown instead of being ecclectic if I use the Triangulations sheets.

And I finally remembered (while the sun was shining) to take some photos of Carolina Crossroads now that the binding is on it!

I have now added it to my new linen cabinet!


Amy said...

You actually pointed out exactly why Judi decided to swap the B/B HSTs....she also use Thangles (or Triangulations?)....and so each sheet produces so many identical sets. I prefer strips and the Easy Angle ruler. I never (okay, RARELY) trim; I just trust my cuts ;0)
NOT having used Thangles before, when you say 2"---is that unfinished size? That also came up on the swap chat; some ladies accidently made 2.5", thinking it was 2" finished; when in fact, the 2" is the unfinished size.
As for the QST's; I already made up my pinwheels, otherwise I would have volunteered to swap some out with you. :0(
Have a FUN quilty weekend!

Becky said...

When using the thangles or triangulations put the paper on the light side, sew, cut apart the triangles, then press before you take the paper off. Leaving the paper on helps to stabilize the bias and you will get a better result. After pressing hold the middle of the seam and rip the paper off from the block side. Hope that is clear as mud. Call me if this doesn't make sense.

Amy said...'m to the point where I need to sew up LOADS of HSTs for Jamestown Landing. I wanted to do some quick research on Thangles and Triangulations before succumbing to my only known method using the Easy Angle ruler.

So, I googled "2.5" printable triangulations quilting".......THIS post of yours is the FIRST result listed. LOL......

Just had to share....

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...