Thursday, July 30, 2009

Two Complete Chinese Coin Mini Quilts and some Coasters

Kathy finished cutting the borders and all for my future Twist of Fate quilt and also had me sewing together scrap pieces to make some cute coasters. They are a bit wonky, but I was in a wonky kind of mood. I love the colors together!

Here is Ayla's doll quilt for Christmas all done. I just machine quilted it real simple after pillowcase turning it out. I attempted to write her name in the pink section and if you know what it says you can read it. Smile.

Here is my Chinese Coin mini quilt, I just finished hand sewing the binding down while watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for the first time. When it is over I need to pack for Pennsylvania!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Chinese Coin Mini Quilts

Kathy cut more than half the pieces for this Twist of Fate quilt...she got me the kit for my bday last year (and it is almost my bday this year!) and I haven't managed to do anything with it. So she cut it up and I labeled it and bagged it up for Fall Quilt Camp. I think this will be a good one to work on there if it is all pre cut. I really like how the blocks look like a puzzle fit.
My sister, my dad and his significant other, oh and Divot the dog. I am glad she got to see him before coming back to AZ. Soon it will be my turn. Have not heard any more news, though he had lots of tests today.

Tonight I played in my sewing strips and made three little quilt tops. They are of the Chinese Coin type and were done with pretty random strips around them. This one may turn out to be what I use for the next quilt auction donation for my guild.

This one with the pink strip will most likely be a doll quilt present for Kathy's niece Ayla. She just spent the night over here and I thought she would like this for her baby dolls.

And I decided to make a tiny one for me so that I can change out my A is for Adiminaby quilt now and then. They went together pretty quickly and I like the slight wonkiness of them. I will try to machine quilt them myself which should be entertaining, smile.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Holiday Light Step One Complete

I finished sewing up all the step one clues for Bonnie Hunter's Holiday Lights Mystery (in Quiltmaker) tonight. I then spent some time trimming them up.

I am excited to finally have this clue was nice to take my time and enjoy it since I knew there was two months before the next clue came out--but that is right around the corner now so I wanted to get this done. Not sure who this one will be for or if I can part with it. Bonnie has a way of making me fall in love with scrap quilts! My DD is still sitting here though in the box. I need to call my quilter in Wisconsin and see about sending it out to her. I have two baby circus quilts in another box waiting on another quilter who is in the middle of moving but will do them for me when she gets settled.

Found out yesterday my dad (Lenny, I have two dads ;)) in Wisconsin has a new and most likely improved kind of cancer. He had throat cancer almost two years ago and went to the brink of death to get rid of having trouble swallowing and talking again....he will get more tests this next week to find out how far it has spread and such, but they are pretty sure he has it on his lip and in at least the one lymph node. He mentioned survival was about one in six. Please pray that my father doesn't suffer and that if he can't beat this he just goes peacefully. I hate cancer and with all my being want to die just about any other way. My sister happens to be in Wisconsin at the moment on a quick visit so I am happy she will get to see him and hug him and smooch him for the both of us, I dang near bought a ticket to fly out to see him for a few days but I go to PA on Friday night and just got back from CA and I hate to be squished on planes! So I will settle for phone calls and email for now. Thanks for your prayers! Here is a pic from two summers ago when my dad was going through the first sister Tina, Dad and me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Weekend in Burbank, CA with a Visit to Hollywood!

Last Thursday I flew to Burbank for a few days of job training for my new video relay interpreting job. Despite the full plane both ways the trip was great. I made a few new friends, learned how to receive calls for the company and even got a quick trip to Hollywood via subway in!

These pictures are borrowed from the web since the only pics I took are on my cell phone and I don't know how to get them off yet. One gal had a camera and if I get those pics from her I will add them I didn't see this Hollywood sign, but I looked for it! We rode the subway (first time ever for me) and I can't say I am excited to do it again. There was a guy down there playing Michael Jackson on keyboard and a crowd listening to him so that was neat. We got off the subway on the Hollywood Walk of Fame street and walked up and down it. Saw the Chinese Theatre and took a pic of John Wayne's footprint mainly because it is the one Lucy stole on I Love Lucy show and it was neat to see what they were refering to in the show.

We also walked up the stairs to the Kodak theater where they lay the red carpet out. Beautiful and very cool to see something that I have only seen on TV!
I also got to see Michael Jackson's star on the Walk of Fame. There was STILL a crowd around it despite the fact that it had been almost three weeks since he had died. Everyone was taking pictures and such. I took one (not this one like I said) too. There were a few people playing his music, and dresssed up like him posing for pictures with people. The later in the night it got the more crowded the street got! We went in and had some ice cream at the Disney Ice Cream Shop and by the time we left it was packed. Also, something had happened near the MJ star and crowd since many fire trucks had arrived and were still arriving. We left before it got crazier!
The only crafting I did was each night in my fabulous hotel room I worked on the first block my new crochet group decided to do. It is a free online pattern and since the group met last Thursday while I was in flight I tried to do it on my own. I think I got it mostly right. I used yarn I already had but may pick up some coordinated stuff to redo it...I just wanted to at least practice crocheting. Nice to be able to read the pattern on my own.
Last night we went and saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince at the theater. I had forgotten how most of it went and the ending was sad! The movie was good, though I read others didn't think it was true enough to the book. Good thing I read it several years ago and can't recall many of the details they may have taken creative license with.
Update on the tomatoes and peppers. Note to self, don't try to grow anything but cactus in Arizona's summer heat. We watered and watered and they turned yellow from scorching...will plant again in the fall I think.
I am happy to be home and back to a normal schedule until I leave for the RID conference in PA in a few weeks!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I think I didn't show a picture of the pincushion I got from the exchange on my NewQuilingClub Yahoo group. It is this little star. There was a mix up and mine was the only one not to arrive by the start date (the gal sent me a quilt meant for someone else and I think that person got my pincushion which was supposed to be a cute little ladybug) but it did happily arrive a few days later. The button fell off in the mail and my dog liked it so now it has that "charm" of being well loved. I put it up on a shelf we hung in the quilting studio so I can display my little pincushion collection. Thanks Ruth!

I went over to June's (and BJ came too) last Sunday for a few hours. I worked on these larger than life pear pincushions and finished them up today. I think if I make more I will do them a bit smaller so they look a bit more real! One is going to my collection, and the other will go to someone for Christmas I think. I used leftover scraps (see the lining and Amy Butler fabric from my hat?) and also used my new lime prize fabric...I think they turned out cute. I added some new leaf pins and they are ready to go!

Also at June's I worked on clue one for Holiday Lights. I have 24 more of the last block to do and then they all need trimming, no picture of those yet.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Binding for Double Delight, Progress on CJ's Blanket and a Bday Gift for Tina

I finally whipped up the polka dotted binding for my Double Delight you can see it and the background fabric all ready to go with the top to the quilter. I can't wait to send it off and then get it back! This one will go on our bed and change the look of the whole room!

This is the progress on CJ's blanket....I have two more skeins of yarn to go and then I think it will be large enough. I am just using up what I had in yarn laying around...though I did buy two more to add to it..not a work of art, but he will like it!

I just stayed several nights at my sister's house and she didn't have pillowcases on two of the pillows in my room. It is a long story, but she packet all her extra sheets when she thought the owners of her house needed to move in and she needed to move out..(I helped) then they decided to stay where they were for the time being though at some point will move back into her she didn't unpack everything and now she is lacking some her bday is in August and I made her these pillowcases out of some of the Goodwill fabric I found...very inexpensive type gift that I am sure will be appreciated. They whipped up in no time too! So finally a little bit of sewing...really enjoyed it while listening to Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey."

When you get behind...

I feel like I am behind in my blogging and the more behind I get the less I want to blog. Smile, so first off I participated in an all day anniversary celebration with my NewQuiltingClub yahoo group two weeks ago and I won (by default since the real winner had already won and graciously passed her prize on to me! Thanks Sandy) this fabric, cards and needles from Dianne! I love the lime and red fabrics I happily added them to my drawer! Next, the voting on my UFO's...I had three votes for Bargello Seasons, five for the Stars Quilt, and six for the A Walk in the Park Quilt which is the most complicated finish but the one I will start on! Most of the comments came in on the post, but some were emailed to me from people in my online quilting groups. I am happy to know that at least fourteen people read and take the time to comment on my blog! Thanks. So up soon will be:

I crocheted another dishrag. I used a different free pattern which I really liked. It took me awhile to loosen up so it got wider as I went. I really have to focus to not crochet tightly when I start a project. I will make another of these and try to loosen up!
Next up...I wanted to show you my previous knitting trials since I started knitting class last Tuesday...I ripped out these to start again after taking the pictures and they are from several years ago when my mother and my Grandma Nan tried to teach me knitting! They both knit left handed and I am not left handed so it was really tough for me to do it the way they showed me.

The last picture is when I finally caught on but then put it away! So now I am relearning with the purple yarn. Have a few holes, but overall feeling pretty comfortable now with casting on and the knit stitch!

I am really hoping to make my binding for my Double Delight quilt today....I have the cute polka dot fabric all set and just need to get to it!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Making an Amy Butler Blue Sky Hat

Some of you may recall that over a year ago at the Chicago Quilt Festival I bought a pattern for Amy Butler's Blue Sky Hat nad a bit of her material to make it with. Finally yesterday I went out and bought the "duck canvas" it calls for at JoAnn's and a bit of lining too.

If you are planning to make this it is quite easy with the exception of getting the brim on the cap being a bit thick and requiring some patience. I will also say that Amy is QUITE GENEROUS in her fabric amounts. I could have not bought the lining fabric and used my actual fabric to make the lining as I had plenty left. I also didn't need over half of the Duck Canvas I bought...I have enough to make another whole hat (which I may do!).
Here is the top of the hat, then with the green is the lining.

And the completed hat, I still need to slip stitch the lining closed, easily done in the car. Now you are wondering maybe why am I finally getting to making this hat now? Well, my brother and sister and assorted friends have asked me and Mac (16 year old son) to tube down the Salt River this July 4th. I love tubing and will go with LOTS of sunscreen and water, but know that my head burns easily so I really needed a new hat. The one I have used for the past few years I bought and it looks like Gilligan's hat. They tease me about that one, so we will see what they think of this one, it is much improved as far as I am concerned!

A Lori Holt Finish and Showing off the Granddaughters!

Barb did a great job quilting my Lori Holt quilt with I love you hands and hearts.  I love that pattern so much!  I made a matching binding ...