Saturday, November 22, 2014

Nimble Thimbles Quilter's University

 Last Tuesday at Nimble Thimbles, we had a Quilter's University.  We split up and rotated around to four different stations.  It was fun!  The first rotation Laura showed us how to do the split hour glass block.  I have done various split blocks and love how something so simple looks so complicated.  There is one of these in my future.  If you have never made one, I have heard Missouri Star Quilt Company has youtube videos that show you how, but basically you make the hourglass block, cut it into thirds both ways and twist the pieces til it looks like the star!  There are free patterns all over the web too.
 Our next rotation had us with Ruth and she showed us how to make these cool fabric boxes.  Really cute and makes a great gift!

 This rotation was cool to see.  I would not normally even consider doing something like this, it looks far too complicated for me!

 However, Pat used this book and showed us how simple it is.  You cut a stack of squares into the shapes the books shows you and then you twist and turn them and lay them straight on the batting to create the scene.  You use a dab or glue to hold them on since you are layering.  Houses first, then roofs, etc.  Next you lay netting on the top and quilt over it.

 I would try it with something postcard size, lol!
Our last rotation was with Coleen.  She was our camp queen this past camp--she gifted each of us with one of these at camp.  So since we all wanted to know how they were made, she showed us how to make these cool scissor cases.  Really simple!  She even gave me the samples she used to teach us. Free pattern on Moda Bake Shop.


Angie said...

I always enjoy learning new quilt-related stuff. Even if I don't make the demonstrated project, I still learn new techniques or at least get a spark of creativity that I can apply to another project. Thanks for sharing some new ideas!

Scrappy quilter said...

What a fun time. I have made two disappearing hour glass quilts now. Love the pattern.

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...