Sunday, November 23, 2014

City Sampler and Moth in the Window

Saturday's sewing consisted of these two City Sampler blocks.
Sampler is wild and crazy, bright and cheery!
Listening to this one for the third time or so.  It is a good listen and Coleman borrowed the TV.  It is technically his and his huge TV is suddenly not coming in in color, so we have been sharing it.  In other bad news, my laptop was having issues so we bought a new one.  Three weeks later it suddenly was insisting on a password and no amount of anything would get me in.  Half a dozen calls to Dell and a visit to Best Buy later, they are sending us a box to return the computer in so they can replace the motherboard.  It is asking for a Bios password we never set up, UGH.  So I went back to using the old computer (which we haven't yet taken in to be factory reset for Kathy to use) and this morning it died!  Not sure if anything can be done with it or not.  Blogging from Coleman's old laptop which Kathy has been using.  Technology is killing me!
I also finally took some time to cut out more Moth in the Window blocks!  This one will be for Coleman for Christmas, but he may be getting it in the new year.

The blocks I had to start with.  Linking up with Jo's Country Junction for her Bonnie UFO Challenge!

Four more blocks made.  A whole bunch more to go!  Goal is to get this into a flimsy before Christmas.  That way I can wrap it up for my son, then send it to the longarmer, lol!
We also went hiking to South Mountain!  My ankle seems almost healed finally!


Quilter Kathy said...

Love the moth blocks! Of course you can finish it for Christmas :)

Jo said...

I love the moth in the window. I have shirts waiting for inspiration...this might be it!

Live a Colorful Life said...


Your blocks look great. Thanks for linking up--the linky will be back in January as I'm taking the month of December off. :)

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...