Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fastest Weekend on Record!

 Last Thursday after work Kathy and I went hiking at South Mountain again.  It was a great night and we went farther up to see the ruins this time.  Really pretty.  We sat up there and looked through the window in the rock, very fun!
 We got to see the sun set.
 And the moon rise!
 However, by the end of the hike my feet were killing me.  My toes hurt really bad and I knew my shoes were too big and my feet were moving around in them too much.  So we headed over to Roadrunner and they did their little walking test and made me inserts and talked me into these shoes.  They are super comfortable and I cannot wait to hike in them!
 After our hike I had lots of steps, yay!  However, I woke up on Friday and had horrible pain on the front of my ankle/shin.  It hurts to even touch my skin.  I am hoping it is not shin splints--Kathy thinks it may be a bruise from hiking in the old shoes.  I have no idea!
 I have been icing it and we skipped hiking today because I am having trouble even walking (don't even have 2000 steps today..ugh!) and I am praying it will heal soon.  I wore my new shoes all day on Friday (which seemed to help my right knee) and did not wear them at all yesterday.  Today I only wore them for my ten minute half time walk and the pain was worse after that so not sure if the shoe adjustment is part of it or the walking.  Time will tell.
 Friday or so my Cotton and Steel Hatbox fat eighths arrived from Sew Mummy Sew!  I love them and will most likely hoard them a bit!  After work Friday we went to New River and spent the night at my mom and dad's...helped them with the thrift sale all day Saturday.  Then we met Ros for sushi Saturday night!  She gave me the Packer quilts to bind, but I haven't made it that far yet.
 Today I made my Tula Pink City Sampler block 23 and 24.  Somehow managing to keep up with my two a week!
 And all the blocks so far.  They are amassing quickly!

The next thing I sewed took a few hours but is a secret for my Santa Swap Partner Jennifer.  So I cannot show pictures yet, but I was happy with how it came out.  Now to wrap all the stuff and get it winging its way to her--she already mailed mine!
I also stitched up the weekly Wild and Goosey block.  Thank goodness I have the goal of one a week or I would just put these off too often!  I love them but each block takes a good hour!
I am SO happy I had time to finally trim up hst's and get Piney Flats made!  Thanks again to Jo and Kelly over at Jo's Country Junction for encouraging us to finish up a Quiltville project or two before the mystery starts on Black Friday!  
 I also finally hand stitched up the opening on my pillow today--also a Bonnie Hunter adaptation of Lori Holts' house block from the Parade of Homes in Quiltmaker Magazine.  Really cute!

Feels like this was the fastest weekend on record!  Watched the Packers kick butt and got a pedicure today too...I wish I could start all over again at Saturday tomorrow, lol!


Kathy S. said...

What a fun weekend! Hope your shins feel better soon! Love your Bonnie Hunter mini!!!

Scrappy quilter said...

Sounds like a great weekend except for your feet. I hope your news shoes solve the problem.

Deb A said...

Ouch! Hope the shin is feeling better. Lots of pretty projects and progress. I'm trying to get a finish too. Now to get CS quilted =)

Live a Colorful Life said...

Why do weekends zip by so fast?? I love your City Sampler blocks. I'm having such a good time making mine--spending way more time choosing fabric than actually sewing the blocks, right? Thanks for linking up. :)

Vireya said...

I hope your shin is feeling better by now. That sounds very unpleasant.

I'm impressed you can do a Wild & Goosey in an hour. It takes me half an hour for each section (longer if I need to do any unpicking), then joining them up takes another bit of time, although I haven't timed that part.

Jo said...

You were BUSY!!

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...