Friday, May 2, 2008

Our New House and a Good Mail Day!

Here is our new house! I love the outside look of it and really wanted a two story...I have had my eye on this house since I came across it on my first online search last fall! I never thought it would still be available or affordable by the time I could put in an offer.
This picture is of the loft and the designer fans they put in. The house has three bedrooms, so I could use one bedroom as a quilting studio, or I could use this loft as a quilting studio. If it is big enough that is my plan since I can see into the living room from there and can still feel connected to the house as I sew...but without seeing it in person I am waiting to decide for sure. That IS the most important decision right?!
We have another picture of the living room printed off but it isnt' available online shows the other half of the living room with the rounded out front window you can see from the front of the house picture. This is the back half of that room, garage off to the left, stairs in the middle and kitchen is to the right. You can also see that the owners were really thoughtful and put in a dog door for our four dogs! GRIN.
Underneath the stairs you can see a custom painted screen! The pictures are Tuscan in style, which is what my current living room is and I am more than happy to keep that area Tuscan, I LOVE IT! This is one of the things that made me feel I had to have this house!
This is the back or side yard...we aren't sure which. The neighbors are CLOSE so I sure hope we get along. The little orange trees rock and the dogs will love the grass. The yard is smaller than we would like (as far as we know) but it is bigger than the area the dogs have been able to use for the past few years...we have a huge yard, but a small fenced area.
This picture is obviously the kitchen. There is a pantry off to the right behind the fridge I am told and looks like another set of doors on the right. Nice island..this kitchen has FAR more storage than the little one I have here in Wisconsin, all updated too. We aren't too sure about that shade of yellow in the kitchen so pretty sure we will paint it more of the tuscan orange/yellow that we have here in our kitchen and living room or possibly paint it this other kind of coral color that we saw in a different house--both of us loved the color and that was our house choice # 3.
I hope others are excited about me getting my "Dream House" as I call it. My family had various things to say such as "are you sure you can afford it?"--I sure hope so-- and "it looks kind of small" --it is 400 square feet bigger than the house we are in and I am not taking the two kids that live in this one--Hannah is going to college and Mac is staying with his Dad--and "I can't believe you are buying a house without seeing it"--Kathy's sister and brother and law did go see it and gave us details and the thumbs up--and one good one "That's great!" but so far no one really is as happy as sister is bummed we are an hour from her but that is far better than across the country and I will be driving to see her or meeting her in the middle as much as I can. I may even be able to freelance up in her area so I am conveniently nearby so I can visit her.
My good mail picture is below. I really enjoyed the handsewing on the bus trip back from Chicago so I ordered this little pattern and the paper pieces to make a small hand sewed project. I am hoping I can kit this up and do it while driving to AZ and whenever I get time but we will see. I also need to iron on the pattern for the redwork I bought in Chicago so I can work on that in the car too!
Thanks to all of you for your comments. I really am enjoying getting to know all my blog friends. Today I have no jobs (but do have papers to grade--ugh) but am planning to go to CJ's storage and get a few loads of his stuff (we already started) and go through it and organize, toss, etc what will come with us to AZ since CJ can't do it right now. After that we need to grab some groceries, then if there is any time left in the day I need to sew the OC part 3! We also have two movies to watch--The Kite Runner (great book) and Neverwas so busy, busy. Tomorrow I am going to the Festival of Nations in the Twin Cities with one of my Deaf students and his ESL class and on Sunday we are driving almost four hours to go visit CJ. Should be a fun filled/busy weekend!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Looks like a nice house. I wish you the best with your move. I know what you mean about a smaller lot size,we will be experiencing that too when we move to Colorado. I think they tend to make the lots smaller out west!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...