Tuesday, May 13, 2008

OC Step 4's in Progress AND Starlight Wish Block Done

I somehow changed a setting so now when I add photos I see all kinds of letters and such until after I post the blog. Makes it hard to know which picture I am talking about but I don't know what I did to know how to change it back...UGH. If anyone knows feel free to comment me so I can change that! So I have a picture of my Mother's Day cake which was yummy and is now all gone.

I also completed the Starry-Eyed Block # 9 for my NewQuiltingClub group. Here is the link http://www.blockcentral.com/starlightwishblock.shtml if you are interested in this one. It went together really well and I like the colors and everything. The other picture that has all the piles of sewn fabrics is Step 4 of the OC for me and Kathy. They are awaiting ironing and getting put into the spinning star blocks! I am hoping to get some of them done yet this afternoon!


Sue said...

Hi Andee
Not sure if I replied to you, but thankyou very much for your nice comments. The quilt is not one of Bonnies, but is my own thing, if thats possible these days.

Amy said...

Sorry hun, but I can't quite figure out what your exact distress is with the blog....perhaps email me with the steps that you do to insert an image, and maybe give me a clip of what appears....I'll try to debug it for you. I can't promise you results, but I'll try..... My webmaster skills might come in handy?

Amy (NW WI)

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...