Thursday, January 23, 2014

Twice in One Week!

Yep, I did it again--sewed on a weeknight!  It wasn't much, just the new Happy Squares block from Angela's Rainbow BOM.  Too cute, I had just enough of this fairy fabric in a strip to make it!
We also FINALLY went and saw the new Hobbit movie at the IMAX.  I am working tomorrow night so we pretended it was Friday--no crowd it was great.  We were both surprised by the way the movie be continued basically.  It was good though.  Next up we want to see the Saving Mr. Banks and Frozen.
Linking up with Angela for our Rainbow BOM Scrap Challenge!
So far all of these are made!
January - The Blue Blocks
Half Square Triangles
Roman Stripes
Attic Window
Patience Corner
Ohio Star
Monkey Wrench
54 40 or Fight!
Split Pinwheel
Happy Squares


Sheila said...

What cute fabric! I'll try that block tomorrow.
We saw and loved the Hobbit and Frozen. Didn't care for Saving Mr Banks. Could be because we are action movie people.

soscrappy said...

Love your little happy block. Too cute! Twice in a week -- on a school night-- such a rebel.

Lisa said...

Too cute. I'm about to go and sew this one when I finish my cup of tea. I'm leaving the Double Pinwheel til last because I have to do the math.

Marly said...

You have used some whimsical fabrics: first the toadstools, and now the fairies. What next I wonder?
I love them, why can I never find such fun fabric.

make.share.give said...

Very nice work!

Karen said...

Very pretty blue blocks. I love happy blocks.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...