Thursday, January 2, 2014

Goals for this Year

I have been reading on other blogs all about everyone's goals for the year.  Some are quilt related and others are life and quilt this got me to thinking about what my goals are for the year.
As always I am hoping to exercise more and eat less.  This goal is not usually met, but I try!  Other goals include reading more--I used to read nonstop, then I took up quilting and over time have decreased the amount I read.  This past year I found "Wool" by Hugh Howey (thanks Nicole!) and the other books in his series which then led me to find out there is a whole Kindle world about the Silos--so next I read "Greatfall" by Jason Gurley which was just as good and that led to reading about 15 different Silo books!

I really enjoyed all this reading about the Silo and I also got off on another tangent reading a bunch of "Pride and Prejudice" spin off books that were fun too!  All that reading reminded me how much I really have missed reading!  So one of my goals is to take the time to read more, it is such a relaxing activity!
As for sewing goals.  One of them is to get to a Bonnie Hunter workshop and I am already signed up for that in February--I know I can't stop telling you about it!  I want to soak up more sewing knowledge from her and meet more of Bonnie's fans and make some new friends! 

I have been working on my quarter inch seam perfection for several years and I happy to say that now that I have Bonnie's little guide thingy I have it down!  So nice that I can mark every machine accurately and quickly, why oh why did I wait to buy that little thingy!  Quarter inch thingy order form is at the link. 

So now that I have that goal met, I can move on to other goals!  My first quilt related goal is to make a Quilt of Valor to send on to Alycia for distribution.  I did a few blocks this past year but don't think I actually finished one and sent it off!  The year just flew by, so that is a priority for this year. 

The second quilt related goal is to join a quilting bee.  I would love to find a group of gals (either online or in person) to do a first bee with.  I have been hesitant to join bees because I don't want anyone to be disappointed in anything I make and some things seem overwhelming to me!  I did keep a close eye on the bee for the PHXMQG and realized I could successfully make most of the blocks they chose.  I need to just stretch myself and join in one! 

I also really want to knuckle down and start Bonnie and Mickey's Ring Around the Hexies quilt: 

This is Bonnie's picure, I love how this comes out and I got the book for Christmas so I really want to at least get the hexi part of it going asap.  Ros said she wants to make this one too, so that will make it more fun.  Anyone else want in?  We can motivate each other on it!  If so let me know and get the book if you don't have it already! 

In knitting my goal is to finish a pair of socks!  I have two pair with one sock done, or close to done and I need to get a match for each done! 
I also really want to learn to do crocheted granny squares and little flowers too! 
I think these goals should keep me pretty busy into this year! 

1 comment:

soscrappy said...

Good luck with your goals for the year. Looks like you will be busy!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...