Yesterday I red tic tac toe block so it is the right size. I might make the other one into a mug rug or something! So here are all the blue Rainbow scrap BOM blocks. I am really enjoying them and I am obsessively checking Angela's blog for the next one all the time. Type A personality, cannot turn it off!
Kathy has spent much of the weekend piecing her Celtic Solstice blocks and even has her first two rows together. She did the GIANT size which is eleven blocks wide, sweet Jesus :)

Ros' blog reminded me that I needed to get prepping for the Bonnie workshops I will be going to mid February. I spent much time yesterday and today organizing my purple and my shirting strips for "My *Blue* Heaven which is going to be purple. Turns out Coleman's girlfriend Lexi's favorite color is purple (as is my daughter Hannah's and my Mom's) so I have this quilt tentatively in mind for her. I also have shirting strips ready for "Playing with Jacks" which actually has more prep to it, but I still cannot decide on the colors for it! At first I was thinking about shirtings/whites with indigo/blue and black. Then I got to thinking that cheddar would be fun to work with but feel like shirtings, cheddars, and black might be boring. Not sure if I am brave enough to skip the shirtings (which of course are now all prepped--into strips at least) and replace them with cheddar and then add red and black. Hmmm...advice folks?

This is Bonnie's picture of her quilt, just imagine cheddar where there are shirtings? Does it work? Other suggestions? I cannot prep any more for this until I figure out my colors! EEK! I am also thinking I might just do this in a wallhanging size for over my bed since I don't have it in mind for anyone. We shall see.
In other prepping news (seriously, no sewing has been happening on my Martha!) I spent hours again today prepping for the Quilting on the Rim mystery quilt weekend that Becky and I are going to the end of February. We signed up for this months ago before I knew about the Bonnie stuff and I know Becky and I will have a great time (and she cannot go to the Bonnie stuff this year, but next year when she is here...). So the gal running the mystery sent us the prep and it is pretty extensive. I was happy to do hst's with the papers she sent, but I was puzzled as to why she has us making the hst's a little big and then trimming each and every one of them down. This defeats the purpose of using the papers if you ask me. I gave Becky a head's up but she was already planning on switching out the papers for the right size so eliminate the trimming. She is a smart cookie, I still have more to trim....
This picture is from today and is about the 5th day I have spent some time with these hst's.
See the tiny sliver I have to trim off each one? GRRRR! I am really hoping this quilt is worth all this effort :)
The cat kept jumping up while I was trimming (I swear she is going to hurt herself on the cutter one of these times) and then would beg for attention or just sit so I could not cut. It was comical how many times she did it!
Trimming the corners off....ripping the papers. I found myself doing a few pages at a time so that I could change it up and not get too dang bored!
The last of the hst's are in the basket to be trimmed, all the rest are done and in their labeled bags. Besides this there is a ton of cutting to do for this quilt that hasn't been done yet. I still have a month to do it, but I cannot wait to get it off my to do list.
However, I need to actually sew, maybe a wild and goosey block or something before the day is done! I am off work tomorrow so nice to have an extra day and I think I will be finding something to sew instead of prepping...I need more excitement haha!