Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Today's Progress

I keep forgetting to mention that I got my Valley of the Sun Shop Hop passport and charm. I will take a picture of the charm when I think of it. It is looking like a bunch of us will try to do the shop hop together this year.
More on my crazy day, I tripped over a dog and dropped my laptop with my flash drive in it. Laptop landed on the dog and then the floor so it didn't break but the flash drive busted right off. I almost threw up. All of the stuff I have been revamping for the class I teach next week was on it. I had emailed two of the things I have been working on, so I was able to recover those but the rest is probably gone. I dug out my discs and copied over a TON of files and attempted to reorganize it but I know I am missing things and especially the stuff I need on Tuesday. We took it to Best Buy...they said they could send it out for 250 or I could try to get someone to solder (spelling?) it and see if I could recover the stuff on it. That reminded me of the computer guy we have used before who has a store here...so since he was already closed I will go see him tomorrow. If I can recover the stuff for less than 100 bucks I will go for it, otherwise I will be putting in more time at the computer. Life goes on but grrrr. Sad thing is I do always back up things but was waiting til I was done putzing with it first so I didn't have two different versions saved. I guess an old version saved is better than NO version saved, Lord help me!
I also got my interpreting work schedule (we start on Monday) and it is a bit all over the place. Two days a week I work for two hours then have almost 5 hours off (I live a half hour away) and then work for four more hours. My longest day is Saturday...I agreed to take a long class on Saturday and they added another one to it. I figure it is for 16 weeks so I can deal with it and hope next semester is more to my liking. I also heard from my teaching boss...may be giving me another class (which is great but it is ASL 2 and I haven't prepped anything for it, starts next Tuesday) but I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth becasue it fits into part of my gap in my schedule. Yay, me.
My day did perk up though because about and hour ago I heard from Sheri that I won a gift certificate from Shabyy Fabrics. Whoot, whoot, she and Shabby Fabrics have made my otherwise lousy day!
Monday, August 15, 2011
And the Rest of the Story...
Yesterday after a long nap I got up and sewed for about three hours. I cut a bunch more bowties and was happy to notice that several of the blue fabrics now completed bow ties two pics up were from my Grandma Nan's fabrics. She passed away a year ago last night so it was coincidental that I ran across these fabrics and decided they needed to be made into bow ties right then and there in honor of Grandma Nan who also loved to sew. I miss her.
Picture below is my Smith Mountain Morning quarter square triangles made with Triangulations. They turned out very nicely!
I also sewed up these little blocks for my daughter Hannah's wall hanging. I mixed them up a few ways and took photos (discovered one turned after and fixed it) but haven't sewn these into rows yet. I have some green leftovers from the same quilt and am thinking I might sew them up and see if that adds some interest.
I started listening to the radio version of Lord of the Rings which is really good! I am already on disc four. I enjoy my sewing so much more with a good story!
Here is Kathy's NYE mystery that she made for her nephew Seth. I managed to machine bind it with a scrappy leftover mish mash of binding. He will love it..he is four and this is his forth or fifth quilt! He loves them to death.
Then today I also pulled out my leftover four patches and cut some red squares to match and whipped up this little couch quilt. DJ is in getting it set to be basted right now (whoot, whoot!)
Here is what I have so far for the Cheddar Challenge. Two nine patches are done and the rest are just hanging out for now.
Cowboys and Aliens was decent. All of us went (DJ, CJ, Randy and I) which is a rarity. I am going to go help DJ baste the four patch quilt, a baby quilt and a little dolly or doggy quilt...that might be it for sewing tonight, but I am off work tomorrow so when I get done with my prep planning stuff I hope to be sewing!
No Time To Blog
I had big plans to blog...have lots to show you..but I am being rushed out the door to see Cowboys and Aliens..so here is some sewing progress.
And I stopped by the Arizona Huggy Bunch group at Ros' on Saturday and was suprised by a few gifts (and yummy desert). This gorgeous skirt is from BJ...because I admired it while she was sewing it a June's! And she gave me the flower fabric too. Ros gave me a pattern, another great fabric, a quilt label and a measuring tape (yay one of mine broke!). Thanks all.
Gotta go...more later!
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