Friday, October 31, 2014

Rainbow Scrap Challenge Sampler Update!

I have stayed caught up with the RSC all year long but with quilt camp and all the crazy busy times lately I got behind!  Behind to me is more than about two blocks, hahah.  So I spent some time today before and after work catching up!  Here are all the blocks up to light blue which is the last color for November.  
 Clay's Choice
Sarah's Choice
 Kentucky Crossroads
 Road to Tennessee
 Wonky Courthouse Steps
 Contrary Wife
 Diagonal Strings

All caught up to light blue!  I will be linking up with Angela at SoScrappy tomorrow!  Click HERE to see what other rainbow scrap folks are up to!

 Mac's barn bats pillow is done, backed in hello kitty Halloween fabric (from my JoAnn's gift card won at quilt camp!).  Hope he loves it!


Kathy S. said...

That's awesome that you were able to keep up all year. Your blocks look great!

scraphappy said...

Wow! You got caught up in a hurry! When do I get to see all the blocks together? I can't wait.

Marly said...

Great blocks Andee. I see a couple there that I've missed. You have done well to keep up all year.
I love your bat-themed pillow. I'm thinking of making one too for my batman-crazy granddaughter.

Nell's Quilts said...

Now that's organized and good time management! Your blocks look great and that little bat pillow is absolutely adorable. Love the print on the back.

Deb A said...

You are all caught up!Yea! I can't wait to see them all together.

Angie said...

Great fabrics in your sampler blocks! Love the barn bats - such a great pattern!

Scrappy quilter said...

Nice catching up.

Sheila said...

You are always on top of you rainbow scrap projects. I look forward to seeing pictures of your progress each post.

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...