Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Swap, A Block and the City Sampler Update

 I belong to the New Quilting Club Yahoo Group and this year we exchanged tabletoppers.  I requested Halloween and Fonda sent me this lovely tabletopper!   I sent a snowman/Christmas one to CR--Rock Candy.

I got my Wild and Goosey block done early since I have a pretty busy weekend again this weekend.  Here it is!
 I then was able to add another row--49 blocks in all.  This quilt seems like it isn't growing!
 Got my Chooseyourownblockalong City Sampler blocks for this week done too! Here are blocks 17 and 18.

 And the whole lot so far.  Really enjoying each one of these blocks! Linking up Live a Colorful Life!


scraphappy said...

Your city sampler blocks look great, and they are coming together so quickly too. Great progress on the goose blocks too. So much already accomplished and the weekend has just begun.

Scrappy quilter said...

Love how the goose blocks are turning out. I love colourful quilts and yours has so many wonderful colors.

Vireya said...

Your Wild & Gooseys look so good - I think 49 blocks is an amazing number! I've nearly got 10 done.

Cathy said...

Love, love, love Wild and Goosey!

I have LOTS of that flowery fabric in your first City Sampler block. I'm using it as a major part of a Pickle Dish quilt because I like it so much! (and it was on sale for a good price).

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...