Sunday, October 12, 2014

City Sampler

 Here are block 15 and 16 of my choose your own blockalong blocks.  I am doing Tula Pink's City Sampler, two blocks per week and keeping up.  Sew much fun!
Linking up for the chooseyourownblockalong!
 I know the next few weekends are going to be busy so I cut the next two blocks to help myself out and then I could not resist cutting and sewing up # 21 too.  Easy peasy block!
 I decided to try to make the Lil' Twister (Primitive Gatherings) tiny, tiny twister for the quilt camp auction.  I sure hope I get it cut up again and stitched together, quilted and bound in the next two weeks.  Also I hope it looks good.  I didn't put the lights in the middle because I prefer it without that, so we shall see.  If I can sneak in some sewing this week it might just be on this one.  I still have to quilt my Packer one too!
I also organized my black and grey bins (since this month is black/grey/brown for RSC) and cut the last 23 lozenges I need.  I will be bringing that project to quilt camp to sew into a top!  Cannot wait to see it come together!


Marly said...

I like your City Sampler blocks. I have the book too, but haven't made anything yet. Yous is a good idea, making two blocks a week.

Scrappy quilter said...

Enjoy seeing your blocks. Great job on the hike.

Cathy said...

Looking good. I like the color scheme.

Lisa J. said...

Like the double cross block. Maybe I'll make that one next.

bunbear said...

looking good!

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...