Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Home Sweet Home and Happy Birthday to Me!

 I was really impressed that google had this as their design today in honor of my birthday!  LOL.  I got my first ninety minute massage and had a relaxing afternoon sewing since Kathy was at work and I had scheduled the day off!  The cat decided to help me--a lot!

 Can you guess which block I am making?  Hint:  It is designed by Lori Holt and interpreted by Bonnie Hunter!  Lori's post over at Bee in My Bonnet is really inspiring.  I love her style!
 Yep it is the block from Quiltmaker's Parade of Homes!  Bonnie's Quiltville post about her block is here.  If you want to see the other blocks from the parade head over to Quiltmaker's post.  I started out my block with the scrappy roofs that Bonnie went with and pretty much followed her color scheme.
 Decided the upper windows weren't working for me, but I liked the red door better than an orange door.
 See it all coming together!  Randy stopped by to wish me happy birthday while I was working on this block but other than that it was just me and kitty.  I finished off listening to "Lady Catherine, the Earl, and the Real Downton Abbey" which was an okay listen and was due today (download library books on my ipod but it is hard to listen to the whole book in two weeks sometimes!) so that worked out.
 See--the orange door just got lost, maybe I should have tried a more orange door, ha!
 And done.  I really like it.  I haven't decided if I am going to turn it into a pillow or have it find its way into the back of my scrappy houses quilt top that I will be making in January when Bonnie comes to Arizona again!
*edit I forgot to mention that the large plaid (which is some kind of flannel) was my Dad's pajama pants! :) 


Sheila said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have many more : )

Deb A said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like you and kitty had a wonderful day.

Vireya said...

Happy birthday!

scraphappy said...

Having a day off to sew sounds like a perfect way to celebrate. Great house block! it would be a fun central medallion for a bunch of smaller house blocks.

barbara woods said...

love you house block, happy birthday

Angie said...

Happy birthday & the Bonnie house block looks great!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Andee, hope you had a fab day!!!
how cute is that house block.. love it!!
Hope your swap quilt arrives real soon :))) cheers... Marian

Shannon said...

Sounds like a perfect birthday! Pets and sewing. I'm glad you had a great day. Your house is so cute. Happy birthday!!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...