Sunday, August 10, 2014

Feeling Accomplished Today!

 I woke up way too early for me (7:15 AM folks) and could not fall back to sleep.  What was I to do but get up and get sewing!  I sewed up my weekend goal of one Wild and Goosey block--making progress sure and steady!  Yesterday I finished up listening to "Escape from Camp 14" about North Korea (really interesting to me since we lived in South Korea during the Golf War).  Really sad true story.  So this morning I was listening to "Secrets of Eden" which I rechecked out from the library--I was not really liking it, then it changed narrators and I am liking it alot more from this other gal's point of view so I am glad I didn't give up on it.

 I then worked out and Kathy and I finally went to see our birthday movie which was delayed since she was in the hospital and sick for a bit!  We saw "Into the Storm" which was pretty good.  Yes, I enjoyed movie popcorn...WW always asks us to ask ourselves "is it worth it?" and yep, movie popcorn is and I don't get to the movies too often so I indulge.  However I will get in another good workout tonight!
After coming home I went back to sewing and started watching SHARK WEEK!  Here is the Traditions "Crown of Thorns" block for this month.
 and all the blocks so far.
 Then I realized I had not yet done the Ooh Rah!  Quilt of Valor BOM so I changed up the colors a bit and made that.
 And here is Rosie posing with all the blocks.
Now it is time to go make dinner (tacos) and get in some more exercise.  I still need to sew the Classic Meets Modern August block which is churn dash.  I saved the best for last since I am not sure what I am doing on that one yet!  Hope your weekend included lots of sewing!


scraphappy said...

Such a productive day. :)

Marly said...

You have done a lot in just one day. Well done!

Gina said...

Loving all the blocks. I haven't done my churn dash yet either. Will try and get it done this week xx

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...