Saturday, November 8, 2008

Progress on ABC Quilts, Mystery Focus Fabric and New Friends!

Last night I pieced the batting and put two of these four quilts together. I need to whip stitch the openings closed and tie them and of course do the other two. This is Seth's. And the second one is Ayla's.

This morning I went out to Zoe's Trunk Quilt Shop and met two ladies from my online Quilt Talk Yahoo group! I found this focus fabric and then they helped me pick out the darker red fabric to go in my NYE Mystery quilt. So I pulled out the pink fabrics I had and here is what I have for the mystery:
I hope it turns out decently!

After shopping around we went to Macayo's for mexican food for lunch. It was REALLY good! We got our waiter to take a few photos. Nancy from New Mexico is on the left, I am in the middle and B.J. from Glendale is on the right. We ate outside and behind us is the view. The weather was perfect and all of us were chatty so we had a really nice time.

So these are my first quilty friends I have met in AZ....hope they are the first of many!

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New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...