Friday, October 5, 2012

Moth in the Window with Bonnie K. Hunter!

Perhaps you have heard by now that I am Bonnie's biggest fan?  (I know there are lots of us pushing and jostling for first in line, but I am telling you, I am! :)) I have had one of those weeks...just feeling blah and down and couldn't really shake it.  I hate that!  My girlfriend hates that too.  My friends aren't too crazy for it either come to think of it.  So I haven't been much in the mood to sew AT ALL.  Tonight I was not planning on it...then I saw on facebook that Bonnie was doing her quiltcam.  Well I knew that my night was going to get better...I brought the computer up and logged on (ok I logged on first and carried Bonnie up the stairs, lol!) and saw that Bonnie had decided to make up a few of her Moth in the Window blocks from the December '11 Quiltmaker Magazine pattern.  I decided right then and there that I would just sew a few of those with her for the fun of it!  She was talking about fall and fall colors so that is what I went looking for.  Perfect since Arizona doesn't have too many fall colors, I got my fall fix!  And it was fun.  Bonnie didn't know it, but I was sort of racing her.  I didn't have my stuff cut (well I had some strips but had to resize them, etc.) but Bonnie had to do a tiny bit of unsewing which helped me out.  Bonnie gave me a shout out, which made my night!  I also did a little unsewing--not the same mistake as her, but similar.  I chuckled at that.  I talk back to Bonnie too, but she can't hear me...I love that she talks to us like we are right there with her--and we are!
So Bonnie finished up her first block and I was right behind her and snapped a picture for facebook.  Then she finished up another one and again I was right behind her (lol, she is good!) and so I got another picture.  I thought it would be fun to show the blocks with the page from the magazine and Bonnie too!  
The best part?  Bonnie saw it on facebook and told me she is "stealing this pic for tomorrow's post" I can hardly wait to see what she says!  

Bonnie also announced that her next mystery will be staring the Friday after Thanksgiving.  If you have never done a Bonnie mystery you should consider it!  Check out my tab above to see previous mysteries I have made with Bonnie.  
Thanks Bonnie for making my night--and so many others' night too.  You are changing the world, one quilter at a time!  Check out to find Bonnie's patterns and blog and all kinds of fun stuff!


scraphappy said...

I heard Bonnie give you a shout out last night on quilt cam. I was there too, finishing up a Midget block and using Hawaiian Geese as leaders and enders. Glad you week ended on a good note. Hope it will be just what you need to start out a good sewing weekend.

Amy said...

Feeling left out, but I'm very okay with that! I was majorly pooped out last night!!!!!!!
After some of your FB posts this week, I am so very happy to read about your week ending on a good note.

Thanks for updating me on the Mystery dates; I won't miss out on that (even though I am avoiding the temptation of some of those Moth blocks).

Happy weekend girl!

Amy said...

OH! I just noticed.... you dropped the Word Verification. I always felt like I was being tested on my intelligence with those... LOL. I only failed every once in awhile.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...