Friday, October 19, 2012

Great Mail Day and Presewing a Nametag

 Alyssa over at Pile 'O Fabric posted a very cool name tag tutorial for those who want to try it at tomorrow's PMQG meeting.  I picked out fabric for it tonight and cut it into strips.
 Then I decided to try making the cactus.  It didn't go too badly.  It is  TINY!
 I did some fast (don't know that I really can call it embroidery) stitching on it so my name is all set.  Will do the rest tomorrow (with any luck) at the meeting.
 When I got the mail today I discovered that Amy from Amy's Passions sent me her share of the Hawaii Sunset swap!  I spent some time bagging up the swap for her and for Andra so they will go in the mail Monday (Andra, email me your address please :))
We went and saw Pitch Perfect this afternoon.  It was far funnier than we expected it to be.  Nice tribute to the Breakfast Club too.  Was a nice two hour escape from the world.  I think that is why we like Glee too.  Forget all your problems and sing off key!  
Tomorrow we are getting up early and heading up to North Phoenix to meet up with Huggy Bunch members to hit a fabric thrift sale and then to 35th Ave. Sew and Vac (it is bag day and apparently I need to join that!) and then out to breakfast.  After that PMQG meeting and then the Beethoven's Nightmare (all Deaf band) concert with another group of friends.  Gonna be an exhausting day I am sure!  

1 comment:

scraphappy said...

Sounds like you have been busy with lots of shopping. Hope you find some time to use up some of your new fabric. It is always more fun to sew with fresh fabric. Cute little cactus.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...