I won this AWESOME tablerunner from Darlene over at Quilting Daze for Christmas Through the Year. I am having such a good time participating in that and have much of my Christmas list done because of it. Thanks Darlene!
I finally added what I had hoped would be the last row to my Cheddar Bow Tie blocks! I am thinking it is going to get yet one more "last row" LATER! I have four more blocks done and think I should stick this away for a bit since I am tired of dealing with my seam allowance issues!
Meanwhile I worked on my Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild name tag. I like it though I veered off the tutorial in more than one place to make is simpler for me to do. Thanks again Alissa for the tutorial.
Another thing I did today was cut and cut and cut out some spools for Bonnie's challenge. On the left is the huge pile I have accumulated. Becky gave me some of these, so the pile in the middle is for her and the one next to it is for Kathy (sewing buddy) who also told me she has some for me. It is fun to trade fabric and have a few friends to do it along with. The three of us are eagerly waiting Bonnie's Mystery too. I think BJ and Ros will be joining in on it and I am hoping Lauren will do her first Bonnie mystery this year.

Last weekend, one of the things I bought at the fabric thrift sale was an incomplete Debbie Caffrey mystery called "Just Around the Bend" the gal had sewn 24 partial blocks and had all the fabric, directions and backing fabric for sale for 20 bucks. Her sewing is great, this gal has the 1/4 seam allowance down...so I decided to take it and finish it. I am sure I am the only person out there buying and finishing other people's UFO's lol. So I finished all the blocks...and played with a few layouts. There are LOTS of options.
Pretty sure this second one is what it will wind up being...I tried to layout a third one and wound up twisting the blocks back around to this layout!
This Christmas one is online at
http://www.fibersandstitches.com/10_General_Info/FAS-Consignment-Pg1.htm for sale..but it is the same blocks just in a different layout. Kind of cool, but I still like the second option better!
My roommate Randy is happy it is finally cooler outside and is now back to his stained glass hobby. He makes really cool stuff! I think this is going to be a little box maybe for his youngest daughter Rachel who just had her first baby (a boy, Leon in Norway).
I started listening to this audiobook earlier, but Kathy isn't feeling well and has been in bed most of the day. Last I checked on her she had developed a migraine. UGH so this book is waiting til she feels good enough to sew because she wants to hear it too!
Now, what shall I sew?