Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday Quilting and Sewing with Pink Lemonade!

I made four more mourning crosses blocks with my Dad's flannel shirts in the center. They kind of are all wonky because I am not lining up the stripes or anything, but I like it. Only a ton more to go since I am for sure making two more of these little wallhangings and maybe three more. I decided I am going to add some of Dad's shirts to my bow tie quilt so I don't need to make a fifth one! So that will be coming soon. I made two bow ties today from my basket but no pic yet.
DJ helped me out by doing the spray basting on three of my little quilts. So I quilted this one with pink thread. Just went in both directions on the big squares.
I dug in my leftover binding drawer for binding and had the EXACT amount to do this one. The binding isn't civil war fabric but the color went and so I just went with it. I am glad I did because when it was done I realized that this quilt matches the Double Delight on the bed in my room (yes I finally put it on the bed!) and so it is hanging over the bed. Will get a photo of it all when the bed is made!

I also quilted this one across in both directions though I didn't easily find binding for it so this is as far as it went. Figured I should finish it for Valentine's day. One of my co-workers saw in on facebook and texted me to ask if she could buy it. That made my night though it isn't baby size which is what she was looking for.
Went and saw "The Grey" today which was a bit too gory for me but it was a decent story. I knew DJ would like it and it would be easy to interpret. We tend to save some of the movies for when they are out on DVD so she can watch the captioning and I don't have to interpret in the theater. This is 2012 and it is RIDICULOUS that all movies are not just open captioned. Hearing people would get used to it (just as they get used to other handicap accessible things) and Deaf people could enjoy what everyone else takes for granted. I am just sayin!


Quilter Kathy said...

I love all three of your projects!
Re: movie captioning, I remember seeing "Life is Beautiful" and after a couple of minutes you forget that you are reading the english captions. It did not detract at all from the experience of seeing the film. I wonder why this can't be available in all theatres?

Lori said...

Oh my! I love your quilts!! Thanks for quilting a long and adding your link!! It is super!

Sharon said...

Your quilt turned out beautiful! Love the binding you used..perfect frame. How big are your Mourning Crosses blocks...they look great with the flannel!

Libby said...

I love all 3 of your sweet quilts! The pink lemonade was a great QAL!

One Minnesota Quilter said...

You have been busy!

Looks like from the header on your blog that you are a Bonnie Hunter fan - me too!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...