Sunday, January 8, 2012

NYE Mystery 2011 is a Flimsy

Kathy came over today and we working on the NYE Mystery for 2011. I got my top together and am undecided on what to do with the borders for now. Glad to have it done, this is the first year that the flimsy wasn't together the same day as the mystery and I felt bummed about that!

Kathy has all the units you see here done and now just needs to assemble the blocks. I love her colors though she is worried it is too much white.

It has been a month of joining all kinds of stuff in blogland and so I decided to jump in on Angela over at for her Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Luckily her rules are flexible and I don't have to use scraps unless I want to! The color for January is red so I thought I would jump in and pick a block to make in every color of the rainbow as we go. It is always nice to find myself with a "bonus" quilt top at the end of the year! I looked through my Quiltmaker magazines at all of the Bonnie Hunter blocks for one that was good for only two colors (neutrals and the color of thhe month...) and I came up with the same one Amy did! if you want to see her blocks. I have copied Amy successfully before and she doesn't mind so I am doing it again! Here is my first block in red. I didn't follow the directions right the first time (what, me?) and had to redo half the blocks so that I was sewing on the half line instead of cutting on it so that it all fit together (now I have four extra small flying geese to stick in the what do I do with this unit box) and this block is called "Jack in the Box" and I love how it looks!I also put together a few more bow ties and then constructed another block.

DJ and I also got this spray basted and pinned so I can get to quilting it (this is the UFO Challenge for January)!And (s0rry for the blur) this is also spray basted and pinned. This is on the UFO list, so it will be that much closer to done when its number comes up!
I also sewed a few more light blocks on Orca Bay and trimmed them up. It was a nice day and I am happy with getting in lots of sewing time this weekend!


scraphappy said...

So many great projects. Glad you are making such great progress in the new year.

Anne said...

All that work is looking really wonderful. I love the block that you and Amy did - checked out hers as well :0). I've jumped on board with a few things not tried before this year as well - looking busy, lol.

Lisa said...

You've been really busy, progress on so many projects! Well done.

Bj said...

You Are Way Too Good! I worked on Clue 7? last night, I've got the flying geese/white triangle pieces together, tonight I'll do the flying geese/red string triangles, Woo Hoo! Oh and I pulled weeds last night and plan on doing it tonight too! The dogs made me come in when it got dark last night, literally ;) Tell Kathy to quit worrying about the white, that's mine and Roslyn's White, it's amazing ;)

Ellen said...

Lots of wonderful projects - your sewing room is humming!

Deb A said...

Love that red block! So many beautiful quilts to look at and I just love all the BH quilts in your top bar. Lovely.

Elly D said...

WOW! You have as much going as me :))
Love all your projects and I like how your red scrappy block looks. Elly

Roslyn said...

Oh I wish I had done the NY mystery, I like it better than others I have done.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...