Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Brand New Day, A Brand New Year of Schnibbles!

Two years ago I was a dedicated participant in the first "Year of Schnibbles" and with it I discovered the fun of making small quilts. I made one each month and gave away several but kept at least half of them because they were too cute to pass on! Carrie over at is the designer and though she lives in my neck of the woods I haven't met her--yet! I stole this picture from her blog to show you how sweet she was to thank all of us in her latest book:I think I only made one quilt for last year's fun. They expanded to other small quilts and I was not as motivated to complete the quilts. I bought a few patterns, and even picked out fabric once or twice. But it is a new day, a new year and a brand new year of Schnibbles and I needed something to get me out of the funk I have been in for two days. (I will blame constant migraine pain and the meds I have to take to to function). So this evening after reading Sheri and Sinta's blogs I decided that I had always wanted to make the new Schnibble and away I went! I already had the pattern for Full House since I belong to the Fat Quarter Shop's "Miss Rosie's Quilt Pattern Company Pattern Club" if you love them as much as I do!

I decided to use A Breath of Avignon and after taking this photo I realized I had leftover yardage in this line too which came in handy since I only had one charm pack. Isn't this little house ADORABLE?
And this one? The cutting went fast!
Then I auditioned a few different "sky" fabrics with DJ's help.

This last one won out, since it looks like sky.
The sewing went quick! DJ helped with the ironing. I didn't do as scant a seam allowance on the house parts as I should have but my measurement is right...I need to cut down the roof sections and they will be perfect...
I really like the lay out that Simone has for her Full House pattern which Carrie later made in miniature and turned into a pillow. I want the full size version though so we will see if I can manage it! Here is how it will look in part. I can put a checkerboard in the middle, or a solid piece and a small checkerboard border around it.
Thought about using the green since it looks kind of like grass...this green isn't from the line but matches well.

I have to work all day tomorrow and Kathy (who ditched me today, lol) is supposed to come over to finish up our NYE mystery quilts in the evening. When I get that done I may work on this a bit.
The other sewing I did today was finishing up clue one of Orca Bay (FINALLY, can I get an AMEN) and getting all the squares cut for clue five I think it was.
This Schnibble really made my day better. Thanks Sinta and Sherri and Carrie! If you need to join check out and the links there for more information. It is guaranteed to bring smiles to you too!


Amy said...

Well, holy poopers!!! Outta nowhere came this beauty! LOVE IT!

Simone de Klerk said...

I thought I recognized the fabrics! I made another Schnibbles with the same line and am working on the binding now to finish it. Your blocks look much prettier than the green you tried in your last picture!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...