Saturday, December 31, 2011

NYE Mystery 2011

Today was Ann B. Smith's NYE mystery. Above are a few of my pictures. All my blocks are done for a lap size but I am not sure that it isn't WAY TOO BUSY and needs sashing or something to tone it down so I haven't sewn the blocks together. Kathy came over (below is her fabric and how far she got, she will return tomorrow to sew some more). The day started out with a migraine and we whizzed through the first clue and then sat around for an hour waiting on the second clue (that has never happened before) I think it was because we did strips instead of squares so the nine patch parts went quickly. I did twenty Orca Bay units while waiting and later on Randy got in on the ironing and ironed all of the rest of my clue ones...yay, tomorrow I hope to sew them together. Anyways somewhere around clue two or three I had my head down at my sewing machine and Kathy told me to take a sumitriptan and lay down for a bit. Thankfully the migraine did fade considerably and has stayed away all day.
It was a rough day around here anyways and I didn't really enjoy all the triangles in the quilt and everything I sewed was wonky. There were plenty of tears and after Kathy left I went and layed down again fully intending to just go to sleep. DJ came in and cheered me (even brought me flowers and a new year's hat) and I came out to see Randy ironing trying to help me along. I am sure lucky to have so many people that love me even when I am crabby. So I finished the blocks and finished an audiobook and started another one (thanks Ros). It wasn't the day I hoped for but at least I got to sew. Tomorrow I will get the top and backing together and keep working on Orca Bay. Bonnie's last clue comes out and I am excited for the big reveal.


Amy said...

Oh Andee---I am saddened by your not-so-great-day, even with sewing on the agenda there are days that go "blah" for this reason or that. I am also thankful for the amazing people in your life.

Kathy's colors are beautiful and I can't wait to see her blocks together. As for yours---I am ALWAYS a fan for orange and green and purple!!!! (have you seen my OrcaBay fabrics?!?!?!?!) :0) Sashing might be an excellent way to bring some calmness to the quilt, but even if you just "let it go" and piece together as suggested in the mystery, it'll turn out fabulous!!!

Quilter Kathy said...

I like yours WAY more than mine! I like both of these colourways! Mine is hidden away for "later" while I focus on Bonnie's mystery for a while.

Roslyn said...

Ack sorry about the migraine not a good way to end the year was it?

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...