Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ann B. Smith's NYE Mystery is Cut...

Here are the color choices I went with for the NYE Mystery. Kathy and I spent the day cutting and bagging the clues. I only had one small meltdown since I was careful to cross out the directions we didn't need (they are all on one sheet for scrappy or non scrappy, etc) but then forgot to tell her the lap size clues and instead did the crib size. Realized the error when we were almost done and could not believe it. So we basically had to start over and the confusion of cutting two quilts scrappy (usually we don't do scrappy on these NYE's) and what was in the bag already and we else we had to cut...well it wasn't pretty. So much for a stress free start!

The day did end better though with (as far as we could tell) all the clues cut into the right and labeled bags. I forgot to take a picture of Kathy's before cut fabrics but on the left are her clues and on the right are mine. She went with batiks (blue, purple and green) and is donating the leftover fabric to my stash since I supplied her with the white on white (thanks BJ and Ros for telling me where to get a screaming deal on that--I still have about 4 yards left and may get up there to get some more to replace what we used today).

We did get some black/brown triangles cut for Orca Bay clue five today too. We also cut triangulations and depapered and ironed them as well. So update on Orca Bay is Clue one: 128/224 done, Clue two: DONE, Clue three: 278/350, Clue four: 54/128 (I sewed some of these while the cutting was going on!) and Clue five: none, but ready to sew. HAHA, I will get there, one cut and one stitch at a time.

DJ bought me some flowers today too :)Now we are watching "The Help" and I am going to see what can be done about my messed up sock...I dropped some stitches and made the mistake of taking it off the needles to fix it (now I know better) and I can't get the stitches back on the needles. Seriously sock knitting is tough!


Jeanne said...

Love those purples, greens, oranges!
What did you think of The Help? We watched it last week.

Laura said...

What is this mystery quilt? OK I know what but where? Are you going somewhere for NYE to do this mystery?

scraphappy said...

Great job on keeping track of everything. It is always right about where you are that I forget where I put something and start making more. Can't believe you are starting another mystery though. You are very brave.

Kathy's A Quilter said...

Love those NYE mystery fabrics. Kathmandu fabrics are fun. I am also going to do a four day mystery at a local shop, Dec 27 - 30. A gift to/from one of my best friends...the gift of time quilting together for 4 days. Have a great time with both mysteries.

Limbania said...

Love those colors! I'm doing the OB mystery (haven't got past clue one) and one of my colors is yellow too.
I live in the Phoenix area and if you don't mind to share, I would like to know about the place where you get fabrics at "a screaming deal"?
Thanks :)

Leeanne said...

You look like you have some nice browns. I hope you like the movie 'The Help' I enjoyed the book much more.
merry Christmas :-)

Quilter Kathy said...

I LOVE the fabrics you picked for the mystery! And all the pieces cut and bagged, just waiting to be sewn is so exciting! I was hesitating to jump in on that mystery, but seeing your pictures makes me want to start cutting!
Merry Christmas!

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...