Most of you know by now that if there is a way to do it wrong I can find it...note the picture above...yep, somehow I messed them up. So much for going back to a clue after a break. The good news is no matter what the next sheet is I have a match. HaHa, looking on the bright side. So clue one didn't actually see any progress. Clue two fared much better...I made twenty more
blocks I believe so a total of 54 are made with 18 to go! They are depapered and trimmed.
These sunny blocks really make me smile. Can't wait to see what Bonnie does with them!

The pins each mark off ten. Learned awhile back there was much less counting involved it I just marked them as I went!

I also quilted and bound Hannah's Broken Crockery wallhanging. You may recall the extra blocks were leftover from Carolina Christmas...lots used in the front and some in the back. I am pretty happy with this little imperfect quilt and hope Hannah likes it.
The back may be cuter than the front!

Couldn't resist showing you Carolina Christmas again...this is just the top and it is laying on another quilt. I love Bonnie mysteries! Ros borrowed me a ton of audio-books last time I saw her. So I ma partway through this one and it is keeping me entertained as I sew.

Had a bad migraine today which involved throwing up at work and calling in sick to my second job. I did a lot of resting and feel much better but work at 6 AM tomorrow so really hoping that was the worst of it. UGH!
1 comment:
I love your bright yellow string blocks, they look great and your Carolina Christmas quilt is so beautiful! Great job!
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