Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pay it Forward 2009, My First Join!

Amy at asked me to join the "Pay It Forward" fun with her so if any of you would like to join me, leave a comment to join. I am to find three more people to play.

This is how it works--The "Pay It Forward" rules
Three people will be chosen to participate when they leave a comment on this post asking to join. (The first three are chosen).
You are agreeing to post a similar announcement on your blog, and Pay It Forward to three more people, who will in turn agree to Pay It Forward to three other people, etc.
You will create a hand-made item for your three people sometime over the next 12 months.

THAT's IT! Here's how it'll work...Amy will send one hand-made item to the three people who have signed up with her (me and two others) I will send one hand-made item to the three people who sign up with the challenge via my blog; then the three people who sign up with me will send hand-made items to each of the three people who sign up with them. And so on....

This is the first challenge like this I have ever tried and I have no idea what I am going to make, but I have almost a year to get to it so I think I can manage that!

Comment away if you want to join--first three are in! (Amy, bettter late than never, smile!)

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New Year's Mysteries!

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