Sunday, January 4, 2009

Double Delight Clue One..Almost Done

85 of these babies are done, though not squared up. Only 35 left to go. Then 120 of another colorway. Sigh. These small blocks are one/nineth of a bigger block....I would like to join those who say Bonnie is insane for inventing this block, but then you would find me in a white coat right beside her since I am making it! I wish it was going a bit faster, but I am being sure to get up and stretch, iron, etc. so that I don't get stiff. I also did the dishes, stripped the bed and started the laundry, wiped down the bathroom and the washer and dryer and made sugar free jello for work's lunch tomorrow. Also have some tea brewing. It is drizzling a little here in AZ and I have opened up windows and doors and am enjoying the birds chirping happily outside. I plan to square up the blocks during a good movie (or two or three) later. Oh while I am sewing I am listening to Jodi Picoult's "Change of Heart" I am on disc six now so that is how long it has taken me to sew what I have so far! I can measure it in

Hopefully there will be another post later with more progress...otherwise it is back to work tomorrow and I may not really be sewing until the weekend!

Apparently this first post didn't post so I will add to it...

The stack got taller, and taller!
We watched the old version of "Moulin Rouge" while I squared these up...that is how long it took! I have 107 DONE! And those you see on the cutter (not in stacks) are too wonky and need some I am short a few. So tomorrow I shall try to get 13 more so I can say clue one is done....I am so far behind I think I'm first. HAHA. Back to work in the morning--vacation always goes so fast!

1 comment:

Sue said...

WOW! You are doing a brilliant job there, Andee! I love the piccie of the stack. Quiltzilla isn't going to come along and bite you on the backside if you don't work fast....Just so long as you are enjoying it. I'm going to enlarge the blocks and make a couple.... one as a throw for the back of settee and a matching one for the coffee table. The sheer number of pieces and blocks nearly had me fainting! lol


New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...