Saturday, February 1, 2014

Packer/Celtic Solstice TaDa!

I will be linking up with Bonnie at Quiltville tomorrow for the last Celtic Solstice Linky Party!
 You may remember that a dozen of us got together at In Stitches in Goodyear for the first annual Mystery Kick Off Party!  Our group had a great day and I know many of them are still stitching away on the mystery.
Kathy is still working on her monster size Celtic Solstice too!  It is looking really good!  

Ros got my Packer Solstice all quilted for me!  Today I finally had a chance to bury the threads (I picked it up hot off the longarm, lol) and it is done!  Needs a label, but done!

 Can you see it says Green Bay Packers, Go Pack Go?  I created a facebook page for Packer Quilts, feel free to like the page and add your own Packer quilt photos!  GO HERE!

I am keeping this one for my Packer room.  I will snuggle under it when I am in there doing puzzles (and it isn't 110 outside!) Thanks again Bonnie for a great mystery.  I have made them all and plan to make them as long as Bonnie puts them out--after all I am her number one fan!
I got my bag and added the pins to it, realized I need to order two more pins that I somehow don't have!  If you need magnets, pins, or coffee mugs check out ForestJane on Zazzle as Jane says "all benefits I earn go to fabric for Heartstrings quilts" for charity.  


Kevin the Quilter said...

WOW! Your Packer Solstice really did turn out great! And how neat it is to have sentiment for your favorite football team! I definitely think you are Bonnie's #1 fan!

janequiltsslowly said...

Love this! I grew up in Milwaukee and am a life long Packer fan & quilter! St. Vince is smiling.

Marly said...

It has turned out really well and you did everything so quickly. But it is somehow totally different to Bonnie's, and I've been puzzling for several minutes. Andee, what changes did you make in the layout?

Mary said...

I see there are more than one done in PACKERS colors. True FANS! I guess mine has the SEAHAWKS Blue and green in it!

Aby Dolinger said...

What a fun adaptation of Bonnie's Celtic Solstice - a Packer's color scheme. Love it!

Gina said...

love the finished Celtic Solstice quilt xx

Karen H said...

Oh my goodness, the Packer Solstice is lovely. I am from Wisconsin originally, living in Iowa, married to a Minnesotan who is of course a Vikings fan. I joked with him that I should make him a Vikings Solstice. :)

Anita said...

The Packer Solstice looks fantastic!

ratama said...

Your CS looks great! And for me, you are the number one fan!

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...