Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Little Bit of Everything

 I worked early Friday morning and then we went and fed the ducks and geese.  This is something Kathy loves to do and I oblige her every year or so :)
When we got home I got right to sewing and made this little teapot.  I had a free pattern and thought it was paper piecing but wasn't numbered...when I actually looked at the tutorial I discovered it wasn't!  So I did some creative folding and tucking to make it sort of work.  I realized by then I should have used a dark background or a smaller print for my teapot so it would be easier to see.  It was fun to make anyway and it is hanging on my bulletin board, lol.
 I then found some actual paper piecing and made this tiny pineapple block--for no particular reason.
 Next I paper pieced four flying geese sections (pattern was from Angela for Hawaii Sunset geese, but at the time I didn't know how to paper piece so I kept it for future use!).  Can't show pics of that project just yet, but they will be coming soon :)

Then I spent some time organizing my bin of Eye Spy squares and hexies.  I cut a few more and then sewed one stack together.  It isn't big enough yet--needs more variety so back in the bin it went til later.
 Paper pieced another Wild and Goosey block.  Finally starting to seem like a decent amount on the design wall!  It is all Bonnie Hunter of quiltville on my wall!
 Then I traced out stitched up this freebie from Sublime Stitching for my nephew Ben.  It went really quickly!
So far today watching the Packers.  I did bike while they were on and realized that I haven't updated my trying to eat right and more more in a long time!  I am still trying to do that and I have lost 32 pounds since I started June 1st of this year.  I have a long way to go but they say slow and steady wins the race...:)


Mam said...

32 pounds is very impressive. Well done you!

Moneik said...

Congrats on the weight loss. I've lost 13 since Aug. 2 and still working on it. Slow and steady.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...