Friday, April 18, 2008

Step Two of Orange Crush Started

Kathy and I worked on cutting more strips for the Orange Crush quilt last night. We got going gangbusters and were cutting them 2 and a half instead of 2 inches! So now I have a bag of 2 and a half inch strips ready for scrap system I am creating! So after we got 2 inches we learned how to use the EZ Angle Ruler (which took a few times to figure out) and we got all the large triangles cut for two OC quilts. We also cut the 2 inch squares from the strips. Now today I need to do a zillion (no lie!) little triangles and put them together into a block. This step may take us awhile! It feels great to use up the scraps that had been multiplying in the dark closet for the past five years. Also fun to revist all the quilts they were in throughout the years.
I also cut fabric for two stars (a 12 inch and a 6 inch) for week 8 of the starry-eyed block for the NewQuiltingClub's challenge. The larger one will be green and yellow and the smaller one red and blue.
I also Bingoed on B6 this morning for that same group and won something! It was the first game I played with them and I got in by mistake and was allowed to play even though I didn't put my name in. I really needed that!
Picture borrowed from I bought this pattern with my daughter in mind since shs is a cat lover! My daughter is still looking forward to shopping for fabric for it. We are going to try to do that this weekend. I am so excited she wants to try it! I may get her to be a quilter yet. I also forgot to mention that in Chicago I bought a cool Flamingo bookmark from this same place for a gift for my dad's other half. Kathy got a cool mermaid card/bookmark from there too. I bought some black wool to use in a table runner my sister picked out for me to do, and I found cute little flamingo buttons for same flamingo loving lady though not sure what I will do with them!

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New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...