Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fall Quilt Camp 2015

Here are the digs at camp.  Nothing fancy at all.  I have gotten really good at wrangling myself in and out of the coffin bed! Seriously that is not the easiest bed to slip in and out of when you need to pee in the middle of the night!

 I made a quick baby quilt (pattern is on Craft Nectar's blog and is called Simple Gifts) for Colton's birth mom  because she is having a little girl and will be raising her. I think seeing him growing up (she is good friend's with my brother who is raising him) made her  realize she does want a child.  I only hope a baby sister who lives elsewhere enriches his life.  I love this gal for letting us love on Colton all his life.
 I did manage to do my brown Quiltmaker  bitty block trees. TOO FUN!  I also made Mac this cute Mr. Bones wallhaning. I will gift it to him and Liz.  I just need to get it quilted.

 Pat was kind enough to make each of us an embroidery heart to make into a pincushion at camp!  More than this were made but not all made it into the picture.  Here is Pat with my pincushion!
 After lunch on Saturday I managed to get Kathy O. and Judy to go for a hike with me after lunch Saturday.  They were planning on a walk but it was nice to have people to go with since my usual hiking/quilting buddies were not at camp this time!
 I sewed for a few hours after that and then decided that I needed to really hit it and went out alone with my ipod.
Pretty happy with my pace since this was uphill ish and I was alone.  Really felt great after!  Took a shower, had some dinner and then was ready for our quilt auction!
Edna won the sign Kathy made for me to auction off and Pat won my Christmas Past and Presents.  She has a Deaf niece that signs and was tickled with my ily hand label.  Thanks again Barb for quilting it and binding it.

I took this picture (then made one more block after) just so I could see what I had going on.  I do not plan to lay it out with this layout, lol I will play before it gets sashed!  I still have two blocks to do, sashing and the border which is pieced.  Happy my PUP saw some progress though!  These blocks are labor intensive and I felt like I didn't get as far as I would have liked--I brought Garden Party with me but did not get to it at all!
 We hung our quilts out for a show on Sunday morning.  It is always nice to see what all got made!  I love Marguerite's Love Shack quilt and I have moved that one up my list!
Here are Terri and I.  We had a blast and it was so nice to catch up with her since she has been busy going to baseball games the same night as guild.  I should start seeing her more often now that that is done!


Julierose said...

Looks like you had a great time! Congrats and doing that long hike--my back just won't stop complaining after about one mile!1 Ooof!! Hoping to get out for a walkie before that rain hits us...hugs, Julierose

Kathy's A Quilter said...

retreats are just the best medicine EVER. And it looks like you all had fun together and what a great show and tell.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...