Monday, September 8, 2014

Lake Front Property Once Again!

 You may have heard that Arizona got a bit of rain overnight and this morning.  I live in a neighborhood that only has this one entrance to our street.  This morning we walked down to see all this water and people wakeboarding/skiing and riding in inner tubes and getting kayaks out!  We met more neighbors today than in the past six years we have been living here.

 Here is Coleman out checking out how far the water goes down the street.  As far as the eye can see in this direction....

 and pretty far in this direction too.

 We walked down about four times today and the water did recede a little bit, but just before sundown this is what it still looked like!

 Our street is not flooded but we live next to the canal and this morning the backyard was flooded and the canal was a few inches from overflowing into our backyard.  Thankfully it has been going down all day (and the rain far) so there is almost two feet of canal available to fill again if we get more rain.  Our backyard drained nicely, yay!  Many people were without power, have flooded homes, etc.  Not in our area but not far from us either.  The college I work at called off classes (actually all of Maricopa Community Colleges closed) and we did not even attempt to go out.  Hopefully we can get out in the morning for work though!

 We did enjoy Quiltcam with Bonnie and Kathy made progress on Wanderlust.  Isn't this one gorgeous?  I am so glad she is making it so we will have one and I don't have to make it!  Love how colorful and scrappy it is!
 Meanwhile I worked on Scrappy Mountain Majesties.  Yesterday I was inspired by some other gal's picture on Quiltville's Open Studio and I thought this would be a fairly quick top to make large.  I am happy with my progress today, but I need to make more blocks because I want this to be for my youngest son Mac's double bed.  He doesn't have a HUGE quilt for his bed in Wisconsin and I am hoping he will like this since his favorite color is blue (or red he said).
Goal is to have a quilt for each of my grown up kiddos this year since the plan is for them all to be here at Christmas this year (it will have been three years already!).  Hannah will be getting My Blue/Purple Heaven since Coleman and his fiance broke up right after I got it into a flimsy (and fittingly Hannah's favorite color is purple) and I am thinking I am going to make more Moth in the Window blocks so that I can enlarge that top and give that one to Coleman this year.


Sheila said...

I'm glad that you and your family are okay. That's a lot of water. Thank you for sharing pictures.
Beautiful quilts in development.

Scrappy quilter said...

Glad you are safe. That is a lot of water. Two hours from where we live they are getting dumped with snow. We are getting rain.

bunbear said...

so happy to hear that you didn't get any water in the house and that it's receeding. we are getting a lot of rain here today and supposed to have storms this evening. your quilt tops are coming along nicely! looking good!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...