Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sunday Sewing or Third Time is the Charm!

I typed this post up twice at work but the computer I was on didn't have google chrome and so all my stuff was lost.   GRRRR.  So I am now at home after a day at work and a few hours at June's place getting organized for the thrift sale.  Wowza, lots of work that is.  Anyway, this first picture is Daisy, Joe, Rosey and Zoe all eating on schedule...no more free feeding for them, they all chubbed up too much so we have changed things up a bit and it is going well.  

This is Kathleen Tracy's Simple Doll Quilt.  I whipped this up for my small quilt group challenge of the month for June.  It comes out of the book below and was made from leftover charm squares.  It will be made into a doll quilt for a gift.  

I caught up on season 7 of Desperate Housewives this past weekend with Kathy on Hulu.  When I wasn't watching that I was listening to this audiobook Randy gave me.  It is keeping my attention too.
Cut more bow ties and sewed another block for the Cheddary Challenge.  I am trying to get another row on before the year is up.  I can't believe it has been almost a year since Bonnie got us sewing these.  I have really enjoyed it--especially knowing I will remember so much about the year based on the fabrics!  This block has two of my just finished Cal Mystery quilt and one from Kathy's.  It also has several floral pieces that were leftover bits from cutting the Florabunda swap for my quiltville swap group.  I sent mine off today and can't wait to see what I get back from the others.  I don't have time to do Florabunda right now, but I will kit it up for when I do.

Also took out the messed up tacking from a week or so ago and redid A is for Adiminaby til I was happy with it.  I got the binding on and hand sewed that down too.
So "Feeling Blue" is hanging in my sewing room (with other tiny quilt peeking out from behind) and now cheers me up.
Judy pulled # 12 for the UFO for June which happens to be my Season Bargellos (all made in a Quilt University class) which is the oldest UFO I have since it was made like four years ago when I was still in Wisconsin.  In case you haven't been with my blog since the beginning, I had this great idea to put them into one quilt so DJ and I worked hard on figuring out borders (not my thing) and putting them all together earlier this year.

Here is what it looked like when it was all together...it is hard to tell but the border fabrics are actually coordinating prints that each of them has in them (just in different colors).  I hate it.  Ros liked the idea of quilting it even less when I brought it to her.  So now it is in the UFO pile and I have to figure out what to do with it.  Seriously.  UGH!.  Please comment with any suggestions you might have.

Crossing fingers this posts....


Roslyn said...

Maybe you need to border them to all become the same size?Then they would look better altogether. Bring it to the next HB & we can all look at it.

Roslyn said...

Where did you get "Adaminaby"? it's a teeny,tiny town in New South Wales,down in the Snowy Mountains, I know it well!

Crystal Digitizing said...

looks absolute nice digitizing very amazing.

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...