Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday Sewing :)

First I want to shout out a THANKS to Kate of for sending me these two books I won on her blog. I love all the colorful pictures and think I might just have to make the cherry basket quilt in one of them (in my spare time!). THANKS!
Next Thanks goes out to Ros Atwood for her fabulous quilting on my Full House Schnibbles. Check out the close up, love it!
I got it bound today. Can't decide if I am keeping this one or giving it to a friend for an overdue housewarming gift.
I also cut out two and sewed one green Jack in the Box for Angela at SoScrappy's Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I also cut another red one...decided since these are smaller I will need two of each color to make a good size quilt. I really like these Bonnie Hunter blocks. Funny I used to really like the planned and coordinated look and now I really like things scrappy.
Here are the two that are done so far! I couldn't resist putting in the green fabric with the hearts on it since it is February!
I also whipped up these blocks for the SmallQuiltTalk challenge of the month. I just need to do the handwork on the center block so I can sew it all together. I pieced a back and picked out borders, etc.

There is the center square which will get done in red. I think it will be really sweet although I don't do much embroidery so I hope it looks fine.
We went tonight to one of my last semester student's house for dinner. She invited over two of her classmates (also my former students) and several other was quite the group with five or six of us signing and the other half all speaking the hostess could do all three. We had fun but it meant I didn't get any more sewing in today! We are watching Breaking Dawn now but I plan to sew some more tomorrow!


Cathy Tomm said...

Your red and green are looking good. I also watched Breaking Dawn tonight.

Amy said...

Ooooo, THANKS for the reminder that I need to go shopping today for Breaking Dawn! :0)

Excellent Schnibbles finish and Jack in the Box blocks.

Wacky Woman said...

Wow, you have been busy. Everything looks great. Love the housewarming quilt.

Deb A said...

Those Jack in the box blocks are really neat. I too used to like the matching look but prefer the scrappy quilts. I hope it just isn't a phase for me.... I have lots of fabic that works well with scrappy quilts now!

Scrappy quilter said...

You've been busy. Great job!!

Elly D said...

Oh I was too quick posting... I also love your little houses quilt... Beautiful!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...