I made a bunch of simple Kleenex holders for Christmas gifts today. Loving Christmas throughout the year. I am a planner anyway but it is nice to just take a few hours each month to make something and build my stockpile!

Here is our new addition. Lucy kitty. She came with her name and not sure we will change it. So far she has met all five of our dogs (and she wasn't thrilled) and then has spent the day chilling upstairs with us and Bug the chihuahua. In another hour or two we will try letting the boxers up (as they are usually with us) and see how it goes. Really four of the dogs aren't too interested, but the number of them is daunting for any cat. This cat was a rescue cat and was being catsitted by Kathy's nephew Buck. The owners never came to get him and refused to answer their phone. So Buck let them know he was relocating her. I have really been missing not having a cat. Our Jade learned how to use the dog door and stopped coming in the house. We haven't seen her in months. She was a really good cat but we just couldn't keep her in the house. I am hoping she is still around but she prefers the great outdoors to being in the house with the dogs! This cat doesn't like the outdoors and hopefully will not learn how to use the dog door.

I sewed up the other red Jack in the Box block since I decided I need two each month.

Here are the first three blocks together. I also finally put borders on Auntie's Anvil. I have lots of little quilts to get quilted!

I also spent some time piecing a backing for Orca Bay today but didn't take a picture. It is huge. It has two hunks of fabric that I was glad to get rid of and all of the fat quarters that were of a larger print that would not work too well in my quilts. Not sure it all looks great together but once it is quilted I suspect it will be fine! It is all loaded up to go to Ros' hopefully next Saturday for the Huggy Bunch!
OMGosh. Can you imagine not picking up your pet and not answering the phone. Unbelieveable. Glad Lucky has a honme. Love your Jack block.
It all looks good!
Great job on getting some gifts made. Lucy kitty is so sweet!! Love al your quitiness. Thanks for joining us in Christmas Through The Year this month.
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