Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Won, I Won! Thanks Bonnie K. Hunter and Quiltmaker!

Bonnie K. Hunter posted this on Monday and completely made my day"
"Our next winner is Andee in AZ!

She writes:

Wow you have a lot of comments! I am a sign language interpreter and my dream assignment would be interpreting one of your quilt classes! Not sure what else to tell you unexpected about me!

Andee, I had this same thing happen in New Mexico when I visited the Santa Fe guild! They have one deaf member, and TWO interpreters came to interpret the meeting for her. I was nervous at first! I usually talk pretty fast, trying to get it all in in the time that is allotted..but a funny thing happened…when I reached the end of my time, and was closing my presentation with my “How Many Quilts” poem….I slowed way down to be sure that the interpreters could get the full narrative to the deaf guild member, and I was mesmerized by how beautiful the hand signs are….I was nearly in tears by the time I was done!

Thanks for the special job that you do!

Your copy of 100 blocks will be coming directly from Quiltmaker Magazine in Golden Colorado!"

I am doing the happy dance here because Bonnie emailed me twice and wrote about me on her blog. So one day when I meet her I can remind her how we *know* each other, lol!
I am also getting jazzed for Bonnie's new mystery which starts on Friday folks! I haven't picked my colors (but I tend to copy Bonnie so I can't possibly go wrong) though I have checked out Angela had a nice color idea on her blog and Amy in Wisconsin likes the color combo I know I can't go wrong with that either--grin! It may come down to what I have here because I plan to use stash. Who else is joining in? Come on!
Looking forward to sewing on my machine which came home today...HAPPY DANCE! Ros' machine has been a Godsend and I really like a Pfaff so it was great to try it out, but I can't wait to get back to mine. Oh, turns out the guy forgot to connect a cable so that was why my bobbin motor didn't wind. Whew!
In other news, my post observation conference was today and my boss had nothing but positive things to say after observing my fabulous ASL 1 class! He said they will be in touch soon for next semester's needs so that made me feel good.


Shannon said...

I saw that on her website. I was hoping it was you! Congrats. You will love ti!!

scraphappy said...

First clue is UP, longest day at work ever first though:) Counting seconds till the weekend.

Amy said...

Happy Dance Happy Dance Happy Dancin' along with you

Roslyn said...

Congrats Andee what fun!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...