Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Busy Christmas

Yesterday we spent the day chihuahua shopping with my sister, my mom and a few of my sister's friends. One of them took home this sweet girl who liked the spot between the heated seats and me in my sister's car!

My sister got the black one the night before. She is calling him Chai (as in tea since he is a tea cup) but half the time we call him nugget. He has a great personality, travels well (puked on me once lol) and is good with kids, cats and huge dogs already. I love him! The other one is one of my sister's friend's new one. She is sister to the other one. Very hard to get a picture of them all together they move so much. You can see my nephew's original I Spy quilt underneath them as we were trying to keep them warm in the car.

Here you can see Quarto (or Cujo as we often call him) my sister's huge mastif dog. Left to step dad Gary, my mom Toni, my sister Tina, me, my brother Sam. You can see my nephew's navy pic in the background and he took this photo too! Was good to have him home for Christmas..the Navy is doing worlds of good for him! I was more dressed up Christmas Day when this was taken, but started cooking and cleaning and changed my clothes..never did change back...Oh well!

This is Ben in his new pajamas with cute feet on Christmas Eve. He enjoyed opening his gifts and several of the things I got him were a hit and were immediately put on or played with. Glad he is a happy boy!
Today we are going to Kathy's sister's house for Christmas with that side. I am Christmassed out...seriously ready to just chill at home, but we will have fun once we get there. Very excited to sew tomorrow...going to get all my HST's done (and Kathy's too since she works) and also going to pick out fabrics for Bonnie at Quiltville's NYE Mystery. I know, two mysteries...but Bonnie's starts that day so I will work on it between clues for the other one if I have time, or work on it the next day since the next clue will come at some unknown time. I skipped Bonnie's last mystery-Tobacco Road because it coincided with the start of the school year and I had so much to get ready for. I really liked it and wished I had done it! So I am finding time for this one...don't know who any of these quilts are for or anything. Some people drink, I sew. LOL. Hoping one quilt will suit Coleman when it is done. Oh and speaking of my oldest son...remember the bad news I got from him? He sent a letter out the next day (but I wasn't home to get it until yesterday) and he informed me that I had been "punked" which in case you don't know means fooled...he was kidding about the bad news. Chalk one up for him...I am not happy about the joke, but he is high functioning autistic and his sense of humor isn't quite on with the rest of us. Still I love that kid to pieces! And as he reminds me often "gotta love me" which is so true.
These two pictures are several years old now but all my children are together at Christmas in these pictures so will show them to you. The youngest is now 16 so this has to be from 2002 or so (it is I checked)!
This one may be the same year or the next year...not sure but it is tradition when we are there for them to sit on Papa's lap (he is their great grandfather DeLos and is 81 this year and still recovering from surgery and his stroke but doing well).

1 comment:

Sue said...

What lovely photos of you and your family.

Those dogs are absolutely adorable!

The expression on your nephew's face is priceless.

Sue :)

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...