Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Something that makes me SMILE!

By now you know that quilting, planning quilting, thinking about quilting, and well quilting make me smile...in case you want to know what other crazy thing makes me smile read on....

Would you believe that the magnets I have on my fridge from Celestial Seasonings Tea make me smile? The picture above is one of them and across the top it says "There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open"--Nehru. The second one has a gal in a raincoat pulling a huge cup of berries and it says "The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed"--Sebastien-Roch Chamfort. The third one is embossed in gold with a panda on it and says "The spirit of delight comes in small ways"--Robert Louis Stevenson. I love the pictures, I love the sayings and I love the hunt--I am now on the hunt for the remaining magnets that came out before I was paying attention to tea!
I tried to research info and find pictures of the remaining magnets but all I found was from an article:

"Take the promotion done by Hain-Celestial Group, owner of the Celestial Seasonings brand of tea. In 2004 it ran an in-pack promotion that included eight collectors’ magnets inside specially marked boxes of tea. The magnets featured the same art and quotations that appear on the company’s tea boxes. A ninth magnet made of embossed metal, created to get retailers excited about the promotion, was available in floor-stand displays.Millions of magnets were given away. “We feel we offer consumers more of an experience,” explains Joe Beauprez, Hain-Celestial senior product manager. “Rather than just giving them tea, something to put in their stomachs, we’re giving them something to put in their heads as well. The magnets are an extension of that.”

Now I discover that the artwork has all changed on the boxes and so I wonder if I will ever find more magnets. I plan to keep my eye out at garage sales, thrift stores and ebay so that I can find the other six magnets and find out what the quotes were.

CRAZY STUFF LIKE THIS MAKES ME SMILE....so I figure if it makes me happy and it is cheap and such I should just enjoy it!

If anyone has any other magnets like these comment me and describe your magnet and tell me the quote...then I will know what I am looking for!

What makes YOU smile?

1 comment:

Joe B said...

Hey there - I bumped into your blog when I googled myself (trying to see which of my indiscretions have made it into the public domain ;) - Did you find the rest of the magnets? If not, let me know which one you have/don't have; it's possible I've got extras laying around here....
Joe Beauprez

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