I worked all day today but after I got home I had to do a little fix it on my Strawberry Quilt...we suspect our blind dog is sucking holes into it in his sleep. I guess he did this as a premie puppy and hasn't done it in a long time, but when the extra quilt falls on the floor by the bed at night he seems to get to it. This is the third repair on this quilt and I am giving it to my good friend Randy so that Otto doesn't eat any more of it. Our bed quilt seems to be safe because it never falls off the bed since we are so cold here! The hearts are on the front and the black fabric is on the back. Not the greatest patch, but made due with what I had on hand and it should hold up!

The above little quilt is for Kathy's niece Ayla. It is just a little doll quilt that Kathy sewed while I helped and did cutting on. It is a twisted Nine Patch and I free motion quilted on the top of it--my very first try at that (I have done some stitching in the ditch quilting) and I like it okay. Looks a little Christmassy lol.

A few nights ago I cut out the two and a half inch strips for Bonnie at Quiltville's scrappy Bargello quilt we are doing for BargelloBowl! I have enough strips, but am adapting her wonderful method of cutting leftover fabric into scraps and saving it by size so that they are ready to go when you need them so I will keep cutting some more scraps. After we get moved to Arizona I am investing in another set of drawer bins so I can follow her example on that! If you want more info on that see Bonnie's site http://quiltville.com/ There is tons of great stuff there I am just getting familiar with.
I got my new issue of Quilter's Home Magazine which is my current favorite quilt magazine. The fabric below is in it and Mark says we should embrace out fruit-a-licious bodies as this fabric does..I LOVE IT! Not sure where in the world it will go in my house, but definitely getting some of this. I borrowed the photo from a website that had it..hope that is ok..I need to look up blog niceties somewhere.

The picture below is of my mother's father's parent, my great grandparent Anton and Myrtle Walker. He passed on when I was eight but I remember him as a fine man who always asked "Who's coming here?" when the door to his house opened. He was born in Norway and moved here when he was about 18. I visited his childhood home in Solvern Norway a few years ago and it was one of the greatest moments of my life to see his church, his parents' graves and meet his great Nephew and other members of the family that still live there. The home is still in the family and is a summer home. Anyway, my great grandmother died when I was twenty-three and her parents were also from Norway (I need to research that branch of the tree to find out exactly where from) but she was born in Wisconsin. The yellow plate was theirs and when my aunt moved she found it in a box of stuff that my mom didn't hall to AZ after the funeral so I am temporary owner til we get to AZ! It is metal and really unique. It says "Design Olden Norway" on the back. I tried a google search but didn't find out much info on it. If anyone knows anything about this type of plate I would love to know about it. I will have to ask my mom because it might have been part of a set with another relative getting a peice or two.

I no sooner posted this blog than I did an image search and found it! It has a smaller orange plate (hmm wonder if my mom took that one on the plane with her?) and apparently is only worth alot sentimentally! Goodnight!