Thursday, January 8, 2015

Two Bonnie Hunter Workshops! Prepped and Ready!

 I am so excited I can hardly stand it!  Tomorrow I am in Bonnie's Happy Scrappy Houses Workshop!!!  Kathy is taking it too along with lots of folks I know from Nimble Thimbles Guild (who is sponsering it).  It is going to be such a great day! 
Photo from

 I got a call last weekend that I miraculously got into the Saturday Pineapple Blossom workshop too!  I didn't know we really can only be in one class when a national teacher comes to AGQ so I had already signed up with my guild and then when the open enrollment came out I immediately mailed out (seriously within a half hour) registration for both the other classes.  Later that day I found out we were only allowed one class.  (Funny thing is, if I had my choice the third class is Cathedral Stars and that would have been my first pick--haha).  So I was happy to be in the house class with lots of friends and in getting some time with Bonnie (she has already contacted me she is in town, YAY!) but bummed I wasn't in the other two classes.  And there was a last minute cancellation and no one on the wait list that wasn't already in a class, I was FIRST on the wait list for that class of the folks who were already in a class.  The gal told me I am the only person in two classes!  I feel like I won the lottery!

Photo from

 I have made this quilt before.  It was one I kept in my go bag when I sewed with others--it often came in handy when I finished whatever I brought and had more time to work on a block or two.  So this one came together over time.  I did it in rainbow colors and was pretty happy with how it came out. 
I plan to do this one in rainbow too (instead of mixed scrappy I really like the cohesiveness of the blocks scrappy in one colorway at a time) using black instead of the lights for the background.  I may only do it as a baby size quilt since I need three that I know of this year!  

I forgot to post this yesterday!  

1 comment:

Kathy S. said...

Wow! That is like winning the lottery. What fun!

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...