Sunday, January 4, 2015

Oh Such Grand Illusions...

I had some Grand Illusions that I would finish this flimsy this weekend, but not quite!  Lots of other things taking my time!

 My friend Barb alerted me to an EARLY Saturday morning estate fabric since Kathy had a long work day (and I had a short one to make up for all the vacation I had when the kids were here) I got up and went and spent 69 bucks and got all this!  Lots of books, Thangles, tons of awesome quilt shop quality fabric.  I then spent several hours putting it all away...happily it all found a home!  I got an entire stack of Halloween fabric which is great because I am making Happy Scrappy Houses in Halloween fabrics.  I also got dimples in tons of colors!

 Late that night Kathy and I cut twenty houses so we are prepped for this Thurday's workshop.  Time does fly!  I also finally got the sashings on a Grand Illusion block!
 I worked steadily on Grand Illusion every chance I got this weekend.  We did take a break to hike South Mountain this afternoon.
 I also dropped by Barb's and got to see my Floribunda on the longarm.  It is done now and she is moving on to the Scrappy Bargello quilt and then Lozenges.
 First row!


 Got a little too confident on the borders...there was some ripping on the set on the right!  I put the greys together and thought I could do no wrong, HA!
 Got the first border on.  One of the second borders is on (lopped off the part that didn't fit, I am over it!) and the other borders are made but I cannot add them tonight...I am D-U-N done!

Looking forward to getting this top done before Thursday when I can show it to Bonnie!!!  I also got some crazy news that I got into the Saturday workshop too.  (So now I have to prep for Pineapple Blossom, eek!)  And best of all my sewing friend Laura is going that day so we will ride together (two hours) and have a sew day!  I am working like mad Monday-Wednesday since I am off until next Monday.  Tomorrow is gonna be a long one!  I will be linking up with Bonnie at Quiltville tomorrow!  Go see what everyone's Grand Illusion looks like!

Kathy did get some sewing in too..she is working on clue two and seems to really be enjoying the process!  Also linking up with Freemotion by the River for Linky Tuesday!


Vireya said...

What a fantastic haul you got at the estate sale!

Good progress on your mystery quilt. Your colours give it a softer look, which is nice.

Have fun at those Bonnie workshops! Looking forward to seeing you on her blog.

scraphappy said...

So busy! Sounds like all great stuff though. That is the best kind of busy to be.

Debra in Ohio said...

My, my, you are one busy quilter! I like the blues used in place of the greens in the pattern. Very nice. It is one gorgeous quilt! Good luck on your other workshops.

Mary Ellen said...

I love your GI and your cover photo at the top of your blog!

Unknown said...

I love your GI!

Kathy's A Quilter said...

Love your blog, it is so full of happy "quilty" busy-ness. Happy finishing.

Michelle said...

Wow...great stash find at a great price! Good job getting the mystery assembled...looking good!

Eat Sleep Quilt said...

congrats on the estate sale haul, you got some great finds at a fantastic price. Your Grand Illusion is looking good!

Deb A said...

The Quiltmakers Gift is a great quilt book - top left hand corner. Great finds at the sale. Lots of sewing in your future - enjoy sewing with Bonnie!

Julie Kaye from KS said...

Lucky, you! So many terrific goodies and you get to sew with Bonnie! Your quilt is going to turn out great.

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Andee Grand Illusions is looking wonderful. Love your yellow and all the colors.

Julie said...

I like your Grand Illusion mystery fabrics. Great choices! I love finding new blogs.

Scrappy quilter said...

What a haul on the material. Great job on your grand illusion.

Dee said...

I can't wait to see it with your borders on! It looks fantastic!! Enjoy your classes with Bonnie! She isn't heading back my way until 2017 I think it is ... it's a LONG time!!!

SandyPA said...

I'm so happy to see your Floribunda! Congrats on finishing up that UFO. Your Grand Illusion is looking good!

Judy D in WA said...

I love your first sentence! Don't we all have grand illusions!! I love your progress pictures. Very encouraging for me as I start sewing my blocks today. I pushed myself to finish another quilt before going any farther with GI. Mission accomplished. You'll find me in my sewing room most of today. :)

TLC said...

Grand Delusions! Great job.

bunbear said...

looking good!

Denise said...

I love your Grand Illusion!!!

Feathers in my Nest said...

Beautiful GI! You're so Lucky to see Bonnie!! That would be a dream for me.

Vickie said...

Your GIM is just beautiful !

Lisa in Port Hope said...

Oh my, you have been busy! Have fun at the workshop!

Sheila said...

Looking Good.
Hey girl. I think I saw you in a picture on Quiltville's blog today. Could that be true : )

Kate said...

Your Grand Illusion turned out beautifully. Love the substitution of purple for the green.

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...