Friday, January 16, 2015

City Sampler is Caught Up!

Florabunda is bound!  One more crossed off the list!  This one will be going to Margie in Wisconsin as soon as I get a label on it! 
And I finally got caught up on Tula Pink's City Sampler!  Should have had better contrast in the outside of this block, oops!
This one is interesting looking with my fabrics, hahah!
This one looks good.  Love those fabrics!
Kathy came in with the mail and my winnings from Abyquilts arrived!  Love an unexpected gift in the mail!  She designed this cool baby quilt you see here and was celebrating that!  I love her quilt and may just be making it soon!  I also love this quilt and the fabric in it!
It has Cotton and Steel fabric and I love the big squares to showcase cool fabric and those plusses!  Too cute!  This is the cover of the magazine in case you need to get it!

And then I made another City Sampler block then we took a sewing brea and went hiking at South Mountain!

Gorgeous day for a hike!  We went in a different direction and explored a different area...there is plenty to see.  At one point Kathy took a break and I kept going..I turned around to go back to her and missed a turn and wound up going a bit til I realized I had missed her and about that time she called to say she could see me and there was a cyote on the trail behind me!  I was listening to music and would never have heard him sneaking up on me!  I turned around to face him (seriously 15 feet from me and big!) and he then turned of and ran up the mountain!  Pretty exciting hiking.
Later that night I did this weekend's blocks--now I am caught up til next weekend!  WHOOT!

Linking up with Live a Colorful Life!


Scrappy quilter said...

Lovely blocks. I like your choice of colors.

SandyPA said...

Congratulations on finishing Floribunda! I am inspired to finally finish up my version.

Roslyn said...

I hope you are carrying pepper spray, those coyotes are not afraid of us & can be aggressive.

Carla said...

Great Tula blocks. Sometimes keeping up is hard

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...