Sunday, January 25, 2015

City Sampler, Eye Spy and a Hike!

I made Tula Pink's City Sampler block 45--once, 
 twice, three times before I got it right.  Funny thing is I grabbed four leftover hst's and just threw them together...then realized it was wrong, so I "fixed" it.  Sigh, almost left it, but it was bugging me so now it matches the picture.
 Thankfully block 46 was a bit easier, haha!  Linling up with the folks over at Chooseyourownblockalong!
 I have been listening to "We are Water" and so far the female character is annoying me.  Not sure I will finish it.

 Kathy and I went to a new place--in Scottsdale for our hike today.  Brown's Mountain.  Really nice area with great paths not as rocky or hike like but beautiful and well marked trails and a free paper map to keep us set.  Even with all that we took a longer path than we meant to and did about three and a half miles.  It was a bit much since we are still recovering from last Thursday's hike!
 I spent some time today reorganizing in the quilting studio.  I went through the thread and resorted things by type and color--over time they just wind up mixed together!  I also cleared two drawers so that I could put tiny fabric pieces in the drawers--one for darks and one for lights.  This will make Wild and Goosey blocks so much easier!
I finally got the Eye Spy blocks into a top and made a backing for it.  I also made a backing for Moth in the Window so I can get it to Ros.
Not sure what I should sew next!  I am sure I will find something :)


Marly said...

Fun I-spy quilt. Your hiking location looks amazing, and of course, ....... DRY. A contrast with my hike yesterday - in part through squishy mud!

Deb A said...

Much more scenery for your hikes than my walks. I think I need to hit the trail head by my house for a change up some day. Great spy quilt and too funny on the blocks. I hate when that happens.

Julierose said...

Those TP blocks are tricky--it took me 3 tries to get my first one (and an easier one at that) right. Sort I would love to see the desert out there--looks so inviting to me--today we are all hunkered down awaiting this behemoth of a snowstorm on its way up the Coast to us. Supposed to get 24" - 36" with 60 mph winds--in a blizzard warning! DH went out to get xtra gas, beer and chips--that should do it--right? hahaha hugs from the "Icey North" Julierose

Scrappy quilter said...

Great eye spy quilt. WTG on another hike.

Live a Colorful Life said...

Third time is the charm, right? Love the Eye Spy!

Cathy said...

I make mistakes like that all the time. I think that maybe why we all have five different seam rippers. I love watching the pics of your hikes. I haven't gotten out yet this year but am looking forward to it.

Old Town Quiltville Mystery and More

Just wanted to share the game gifts I crafted for my honorary daughter who lives in Norway.  Rachel is very appreciative of anything I send ...