Thursday, December 4, 2014

Quiltville Cruise! I am GOING!

It isn't until OCTOBER 4 - 11, 2015 but I am going on a Quiltville Cruise with the fabulous--Bonnie Hunter!

Here is the ship I will be on!  I have never been on a cruise (closest I have come was the huge ferry I rode on for a few hours between Norway and Sweeden) so that will get that checked off my bucket list!  Of course a trip with Bonnie is another bucket list item and seeing the Carribean is another!  I can barely contain myself with the thought that this IS going to happen! 
Then I talked to my girlfriend Becky (who I met online because she lived near where I was going to live once I moved here to AZ and I found her when I searched the area and Bonnie Hunter, lol so Bonnie brought us together!) who decided that she should go ahead and go too.  It is her birthday week and all.  So now I am EVEN MORE excited to have someone to travel with there and back and to have a roommate I know and love.  What a fantabulous day!
Here is the Itinerary:

SunPort Canaveral, Florida--4:30 pm
MonCocoCay, Bahamas ----
TueDay at Sea7:00am4:00pm
WedCharlotte Amalie, St. Thomas 10:30 am6:00 pm
ThuPhilipsburg, St. Maarten 8:00 am5:00 pm
FriDay at Sea----
SatDay at Sea----
SunPort Canaveral, Florida 7:00 am--

I have never seen any of these places!  Is anyone who reads my blog going?  I cannot wait to make more Bonniac friends!  If you are interested in going contact Sew Many Places!


Vireya said...

Wow, that is so cool!

Michelle said...

I am going! I traveled with Irene for the one in November...but next year I'm going with my quilting buddy, Tammy (she's also a cousin in law!). We can't wait!

Kathy S. said...

That's so awesome! I don't know how you're going to contain yourself until then? What a great little extra nudge in your motivation to stay fit!

Kevin the Quilter said...

Shut the front door! I wish I could go!!!!!!! So happy you get to go though!

Unknown said...

Squee!!! I'm so happy for you!

Roslyn said...

I considered the cruise she just did, but won;t go if I have to take potluck on a room mate and I have to have an outside cabin! Have you seen the actual agenda for the classes etc?

Quilter Kathy said...

So fantastic...congrats!
It's definitely on my bucket list!

scraphappy said...

Oh my gosh! How absolutely exciting! Cruises are super fun, and doing one with Bonnie would be such a hoot. They always seem to happen during the school year for me though, so I'll love hearing how yours goes. We should talk when it gets closer. I live about 45 minutes south of Port Canaveral, maybe we could meet up. I know of a nice quilt shop in the area.

Xenia said...

Hi Andee, I have enjoyed your blog for a few years now and am very excited to say that I saw your cruise post and decided to go on the cruise as well! thanks for mentioning it otherwise I would not have known.
Xenia (fellow long time Bonnie Hunter fan)

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...