Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Grand Illusion Final Clue Up!

Bonnie released the final clue for the Grand Illusion Mystery at midnight east coast time!  I had just finished up the backing for my Lozenges quilt and was trying to decide what to sew next!  As always, I love her reveal!  So I quickly threw some blocks on the floor to see what mine might look like.  You have to imagine the aqua corners because I haven't cut them yet.

 I then decided to just sew one...
 Which led to three...
 Which somehow turned into six!  Only 19 more to go!  I work all afternoon and evening tomorrow though so will be slower progress I suspect.  Still it was fun to just get a couple together!

Kathy and I had a Game of Thrones season one marathon while sewing today.  It requires us to pay some attention so we had to backtrack and explain things to each other a few times!  We are liking it though.  How is your Grand Illusion coming along?


Kathy S. said...

Yeah!!! Six blocks done already. Your colors are looking great! Now to throw some of my blocks on the floor and do the same.

Deb A said...

Woo Hoo! Looking great Andee! I think I need to go save off all the clues ... in case I have a need to start something new in the next little bit =)
Happy New Year

Ellen said...

Your blocks look great! I didn't participate but I did save all of the clues for later. :)

Marly said...

Well done on keeping up with the mystery. Your blocks look great; it's another big hit for Bonnie!

Scrappy quilter said...

Great job.

Andra Gayle said...

I really like your gray instead of the black. If I were ever to start the quilt I would definitely make that change! Beautiful!

Julianne said...

OMG loving it! Looks amazing!

SandyPA said...

I sewed six blocks, too! After working so hard to catch up on the pieces, I had to see how they looked in the pattern. The more I look at the design, the more I like it. Happy New Year!

Roslyn said...

Oh I am green! I cannot go any further until I get home but I am pleased to know I am not further behind because now we have the reveal. Somehow her clues go SO fast & before we know it-we are done!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...