Sunday, December 14, 2014

Itty Bitty Primitive Pinwheels, aka Lil' Tiny Twisters!

 I made an Itty Bitty Primitive Pinwheels Lil' Twister for the quilt camp auction a few months ago and have wanted to make one for myself ever since.  Barb also asked if that could be my Christmas gift to her since she loved it so much.  So tonight I decided to start on both of them.  Here is hers in progress...

I love how tiny these are!  They are a bit labor intensive but Kathy helps me cut the little squares so I can sew as she cuts when I am assembling the pinwheels.
I only made it this far with mine, but will get back to it as soon as I get a minute!
 I use the webbing to hold all the blocks in the order I want and it helps me when I sew the rows together, I am all about fast and efficient!
Working all day tomorrow then joining a new group for a hike, Kathy's knees have been bothering her so we took this weekend off since I am going to go tomorrow while she is still at work.  Looking forward to it!  Linking up to Freemotion by the River!


Julierose said...

Just love your mini twister--I agree the smaller twistees (!) look better to me! Great colors in there...lucky you had a helper...hugs, Julierose

Scrappy quilter said...

Love the mini quilt.

Kevin the Quilter said...

These are labor intensive, but, they are really nice. I LOVE your scrappy scraps!

Michelle said...

They are so amazing when finished...It's worth the extra work!

Laura said...

It looks great! I want to make a Twister quilt soon.

Feathers in my Nest said...

wow, I like that a lot....Do you ever sleep? You are the busiest quilter I know..Haha....I could use some it..

Roslyn said...

These are really pretty Andee!

Sharon said...

Twisters are fun!

New Year's Mysteries!

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote thes...